--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> "God Barry, this post of yours just epitomizes you. A 
> steamroller which only drives over small, delicate, 
> beautiful things."
> A classic. Seeing this flash by in Message View, I had 
> to open the post because I couldn't for the life of me 
> figure out from Message View which recent post of mine 
> had so incensed Ann to cause her to write this. Imagine
> my non-surprise to find that I'd never even been a part
> of the thread to which she is replying. It's gettin'
> pretty bad when the haters can't even tell who it is
> they're hating any more.
> Will we ever see an apology for this? 
> Yeah, right. 

My post to you reflected what I felt was a response to Emily's response to 
Curtis. I felt you were mocking and insensitive. If I was mistaken and you were 
not addressing Emily's post and instead something else than you have my 
heartfelt apology.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" <richard@> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > > "Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on 
> > > > my ass."
> > >
> > > But, did you enjoy?
> > > 
> > > It's Friday here and you're not even making any sense,
> > > yesterday - Curtis has already left the room. LoL!
> > 
> > God Barry, this post of yours just epitomizes you. A 
> > steamroller which only drives over small, delicate, 
> > beautiful things.
> > > 
> > > Emily Reyn:
> > > > Dear Curtis:  I submit this first memorandum in an effort to smooth 
> > > > things over with you on this auspicious Thursday.  Feel free to parse 
> > > > the sparse details of it at your leisure.  MEMORANDUM TWO - GORY 
> > > > DETAILS will follow.  I promise not to write more than three 
> > > > Memorandums.  I promise not to exit on an exotic vacation to "anywhere 
> > > > but here."  I have taken the luxury of stealing your name Emilina for 
> > > > this story (such a cute name; sounds like Thumbelina doesn't it?), but 
> > > > have switched up your original context just a bit, in the interest of 
> > > > creative expression and to serve up the larger goals of coolness and 
> > > > smoothness in my post.  I will work hard to prevent what was "a series 
> > > > of unfortunate events" (to also steal the title from Lemony Snicket) 
> > > > from turning into an epic fail.   
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > To: Curtis, gentle reader on FFL
> > > > 
> > > > From:  Emilina, HR Department
> > > > 
> > > > RE:  HISTORY BEHIND:  "Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number 
> > > > on my ass. "
> > > > 
> > > > Acting as the HR department here at FFL Central Cinema (FFL for short), 
> > > > it has come to I, Emilina's attention that there was a situation a 
> > > > couple of weeks back that warrants closure. Said situation has the 
> > > > following history (in summary and paraphrased):
> > > > 
> > > > 1)  Emily, a well-nigh saintly actress-in-training, (no relation to me, 
> > > > Emilina) received a distressing email regarding her "butting in" on an 
> > > > exchange between Curtis and Robin, two of our most famous lead actors.  
> > > > Emily had written a post to Curtis which played off of an ironic post 
> > > > by Robin, that was intended as humor (embedded with a few tiny teasing 
> > > > tweaks). She had followed up with a post that included a video of 
> > > > "Clash of the Titans" and a few more teasing remarks to both Robin and 
> > > > Curtis as they moved their exchange off-line.
> > > > 
> > > > 2) Subsequent to this, Emily received a personal email  marked 
> > > > *Private* where the author, unknown to Emily accept in name only took 
> > > > her to task for egging on Robin, potentially putting Curtis's 
> > > > employment at risk, and amongst a few other put-downs, implied that she 
> > > > was taking some kind of sick pleasure in it all, deferring to an 
> > > > unstated word for what that was.  
> > > > 
> > > > 2) Emily, who values her privacy and who currently acts under a false 
> > > > (but at least pronounceable) name reacted emotionally to this rude and 
> > > > inappropriate email and replied to Sal, negating several of her 
> > > > allegations and suggesting she post the email to FFL.
> > > > 
> > > > 3) Emily, in a continued state of emotional turmoil, forwarded, (with 
> > > > no real forethought whatsoever, feeling the sober reality of having 
> > > > been verbally assaulted outside the context of FFL), the unseemly email 
> > > > to Judy and Curtis, two people she remembered knew Sal, and asking for 
> > > > review.   Within an hour or two, Emily realized in horror (I, Emilina 
> > > > go in for drama, you must forgive me), that she had made a terrible 
> > > > error in judgment.  She had, in fact, *also* crossed into personal 
> > > > domains.  
> > > > 
> > > > 4) Emily determined, after additional review, that she was going to 
> > > > have to address the email more definitively with Sal, not personally, 
> > > > but on FFL, where it should have been posted in the first place, given 
> > > > that the topic was directly related to her posts on FFL. Emily was not 
> > > > comfortable sending back a personal email to Sal setting a definitive 
> > > > boundary. She didn't want to risk the possibility that Sal might start 
> > > > up an exchange with her, given the malevolence of her first private 
> > > > email. However, Emily, having a semblance of ethical standards, decided 
> > > > to respect the private intent of the email, no matter how aggrieved she 
> > > > was.  So, she posted what she thought was a clear message to FFL the 
> > > > next day, explaining what happened and basically asking Sal not to ever 
> > > > email her again.  
> > > > 
> > > > 5) Emily missed the obvious (thick-headed hun that she is 
> > > > sometimes).... that she had sent Sal's email to two lead actors that 
> > > > have a history of lengthy debates.  
> > > > 
> > > > Now, by this time, Emily realized she was in a bit of a pickle.  
> > > > Although she had moved the topic of Sal's unkindly email to FFL where 
> > > > it should have been in the first place, she had requested that it 
> > > > remain private. Now this resulted in only three people being able 
> > > > discuss it and its relevance to the larger situation of how fucked up 
> > > > Emily was or wasn't for writing that (highly acclaimed by a few) 
> > > > heavily plagiarized offending first post:  Emily, Curtis, and Judy. 
> > > > (Sal was nowhere to be found). Emily was preparing to leave on vacation 
> > > > to celebrate her upcoming 50th birthday and that left just Judy and 
> > > > Curtis in the scene.  She had exited stage left to attend to her 
> > > > vacation packing.  But, she continued to lurk and she became more and 
> > > > more nonplussed at the assumptions Curtis was presenting re: her 
> > > > motivations and intentions.  
> > > > 
> > > > Note:  I, Emilina, will sanction Emily appropriately by labeling her as 
> > > > a Mistress of the Inadvertent Setup.  
> > > > 
> > > > 7) Emily determined once again, actress-in-training that she is, that 
> > > > she was going to have to go back on record before she left to address 
> > > > the situation again and correct, as needed, Curtis's representation of 
> > > > her. 
> > > > 
> > > > Now Emily has often admitted that she laughs a lot at the scenes played 
> > > > out on FFL.  She has admitted to me (I, Emilina) privately (and she 
> > > > will pay for this when I find that book on Satan's Scorn) that 
> > > > sometimes she even laughs at another's expense.  She pretends that she 
> > > > doesn't (in order to maintain her saintly persona), but I know she 
> > > > does.  Not because she intends any harm, but because certain scenes, 
> > > > usually enacted by more senior staff than she (but including some she 
> > > > contributes to) are so god damn, fuckin' funny to her. What kind of a 
> > > > sick and twisted sense of humor does Emily have, you might wonder?  
> > > > Well, I, Emilina asked her just this question.  I, Emilina had to give 
> > > > her the "do or die" routine to get it out of her, but I did.  
> > > > 
> > > > She insists her sense of humor delights in the highs, mediums and lows 
> > > > and the trials and tribulations that go along with being human.  It 
> > > > wasn't always this way, but she insists it beats sobbing all the time. 
> > > > She often uses the term "tee hee" or "ha" to indicate when she is 
> > > > laughing - but again insists, not in a mean or devious way, not a 
> > > > cackle....simply more of a spontaneous giggle, or alternately, a 
> > > > chuckle, or even a full-on guffaw. 
> > > > 
> > > > Note:  I, Emilina, have had more than one complaint about her refusal 
> > > > to deal with the seriousness of reality and her devious irreverence for 
> > > > the feelings of others.  I, Emilina promise to incorporate Gigglers 
> > > > Anonymous meetings into her recovery plan.
> > > > 
> > > > Now, where was I?  Oh yes, Emily proceeded with a post to Curtis (see 
> > > > FFL Games) intended to take responsibility for her abominable behavior 
> > > > and correct a few of Curtis's errant assumptions made in his exchange 
> > > > with Judy over Sal's email.   Emily left on vacation, confident that 
> > > > Judy, upholder of Truth and Justice, would do her best not to let the 
> > > > situation spiral out of its appropriate context.  
> > > > 
> > > > Oh dear, so many words, so little time to fact check or confirm Emily's 
> > > > suspect memory. I, Emilina, need to attend to the cauldron - it must be 
> > > > boiling for the next scene.  But, I am certain I have captured the 
> > > > salient points (not all of the points, just the salient ones) of the 
> > > > history behind Curtis's last statement (Or, maybe not, as it may turn 
> > > > out): 
> > > > "Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on my ass. "   Which 
> > > > is also Emily's line.  
> > > > 
> > > > Note:  It's going to be my, Emilina's call at the end of this fiasco as 
> > > > to who has covered their ass better (that's CYA in corporate speak) and 
> > > > whose ass has to wear the sparkly gold shorts to the next rehearsal.  
> > > > 
> > > > Now, to get to Part 2 - GORY DETAILS
> > > >
> > >
> >

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