On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 12:31 AM, jedi_spock <jedi_sp...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> **
> Well, If the state of unity is not 'true' to "reality", then
> one has to first define what "reality" actually is.
> Robin seems to imply that waking state and a personal god is
> more real.
> Maybe, you can give us what your definition of what reality
> is.
For me reality is synonymous with the existence, the objective reality,
whatever the mind and senses can grasp in line with the Upanishads that the
seed has become the tree, the creator has become the creation. I won't
comment on Robin's views - but yes waking state is real, no personal God
that I see that exists for me. I define God as a mysterious, organic,
dynamic entity - same as existence, reality. Unity did create a powerful
sense of oneness that was ultimately false, not that I wouldn't say I don't
feel one with reality, existence but it is more subjective than anything
objective. I continue to exist as myself, a distinct entity, a unique
expression of reality, of existence, of God. But Unity does trigger a set
of processes that leave one in an elevated state of consciousness but
unless one reconciles this highly subjective state with the objective
reality, heals,integrates, balances it into the waking state, through a
process intellectual inquiry it's useless.

> Take for instance mathematics, numbers that extend on the
> negative side is as real as numbers on the positive side.
> Longitudes on the globe are as real as latitudes. Positrons
> are as real as electrons and so on and so forth.
> Maybe both are real in some sense?
> --- Ravi Chivukula <chivukula.ravi@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I was contemplating on whether to reply to Jason on this and Xeno's
> idiotic
> > response forces me to respond to this. Xeno - you just need to know
> when to
> > keep your big mouth shut man, that Unity is not mystical and it's just
> some
> > experience is just your fantasy. You live in an world of words, totally
> > unreal, in a fantasy that every time you open your fucking mouth you
> don't
> > fail to surprise me, you come across as delusional as Barry though
> Barry is
> > paranoid and delusional in a clinical sense.
> >
> > Jason - what Robin is saying is simple - that the state of Unity is not
> > true to reality, it is ultimately an unreal state not that it's not a
> valid
> > state and when I first heard him talk about that and mystical deception
> I
> > was impressed because his descriptions totally made sense to me based
> on my
> > experiences of Unity.
> >
> > Unlike what the idiot Xeno says Unity is a most blissful state, no
> > experience sex, drugs, alcohol, love come anywhere close it, the state
> on
> > oneness you feel is the most awesomest, it's like being high on 108
> Vodkas
> > or perhaps sleeping with 72 virgins - so in that sense I totally
> understand
> > the religion's description of heaven, they are pretty much describing,
> > metaphorically the state of Unity.
> >
> > However the incredible state of oneness the Unity creates is ultimately
> a
> > false state, a temporary state and in my case I fell back to the waking
> > state. But once you hit Unity for all purposes one can be considered
> > awakened, at least in my case and however incredible Unity is, the main
> > thing comes afterwards - healing, integrating, balancing the mystical
> > energies that now have left you in an elevated consciousness into the
> > normal waking state.
> >
> > So I totally understand when Robin talks about Unity and mystical
> > deception, this confirms for me that he was in Unity, otherwise there's
> no
> > way he could describe it so beautifully. He's the only one who has made
> any
> > sense to me and my experiences, and this puts him, in my eyes, on a
> higher
> > pedestal that any scripture or any Guru. He clearly is speaking from
> > personal experience Of course there's lot a what he has said that I
> don't
> > necessarily agree with and he's aware of my disagreements but his core
> > arguments of mystical deception, Unity being incompatible with reality
> is
> > totally spot on.
> >
> > Ravi.
> >
> >

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