That is so funny! 

Everyone should be glad they don't live here in South Carolina - there are a 
whole bunch of people around here who don't like Obama because he doesn't pass 
muster on the one drop rule. Yep its true there are still a whole lot of 
rednecks in the world.

--- In, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
> <snip> There is not a dimes worth of difference between the Dems and GOP nor 
> their chosen figure heads. 
> I think Obama has a nicer smile.  
> ________________________________
>  From: Michael Jackson <mjackson74@...>
> To: "" <> 
> Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 8:18 AM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Back is already broken (was: An Obama win 
> could break the back of this Country)
> I think life and politics all depends on ones point of view or belief system. 
> The system we have rewards lying, theft and institutionalized pay-offs. There 
> is not a dimes worth of difference between the Dems and GOP nor their chosen 
> figure heads. 
> The only difference becomes what name is on the check the lobbying groups and 
> large donors are writing to get what they want. 
> Now if you want to take the really esoteric route, just look at what 
> Maharishi said in 2003 (can you believe I am quoting him?)
> Maharishi:‘God is well aware of the hypocrisy of man. You can’t hide 
> behind
> the name “God” and do wrong thingsâ€"you know? He has set the laws: As 
> you sow,
> so shall you reap. Period! As you sow, so shall you reap. 
> This is the
> kindness of God, who has given man that freedom. You likeâ€"what you like, you
> can do. You like, you can do. But what you do, you cannot undo the result of
> your own doing. You have to bear the fruits of your doing. As you sow, so 
> shall
> you reap. As you sowâ€"it’s a law. It’s a universal law. It’s a 
> universal law.
> ‘God is not after each
> man: You do this, you do this, you don’t do this, you don’t do this. No, 
> no.
> God is God, Administrator of the galactic universe! He rules by one law. 
> The law is: Freedom to
> you, do what you want to do, and you will get the results of what you do,
> that’s all. 
> You can fool yourself,
> but you cannot fool the Almighty Intelligence, the Administrator of the
> universe, the Light of God. 
> So we see from this point of view that everything that is happening in our 
> country is a matter of collective reaping what we have sown.
> But we could vilify the politicians if we want to and blame them. If you want 
> to combine practical life and esoteric life, we can say we are reaping what 
> we have sown by continuing to elect crooked politicians and not requiring the 
> wealthy businessmen of the world play by the same rules as everyone else 
> (meaning letting them get by with bribing the politicians) 
> In that same vein, the lack of success of the Movement to create world peace, 
> actually teach someone to levitate, or finish any project they ever started 
> (not to mention the failure to produce a single enlightened person, yeah I 
> know I am going out on a limb by saying that) is also the karma, reaping what 
> someone has sown. 
> Is it our collective karma as a group (every meditator - sidha - initiator - 
> governor - minister - raja that ever
>  lived) that has created such inefficient behavior and results or is it 
> Maharishi and his top leaders whose reaping we have all been sowing? Ah dunno.
> ________________________________
>  From: Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@...>
> To: "" <> 
> Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 10:26 AM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Back is already broken (was: An Obama win 
> could break the back of this Country)
> But not because of his leadership. Most of the expansion of current 
> production is from leases granted under the Bush administration or from 
> private land ownership. Obama has cut federal leases during his 
> administration because he wants gas prices to rise to encourage development 
> of the Volt, a major investment by the gubment, which nobody seems to be 
> buying. The newest oil field production, in North Dakota, is on primarily 
> private land. I just heard today that a major oil field, approximately 5 
> billion barrels, has been discovered in eastern Ohio, Romney country.
> From: Alex Stanley <j_alexander_stanley@...>
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 7:11 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Back is already broken (was: An Obama win could 
> break the back of this Country)
> And, yet, even under Obama, domestic oil production is the highest it's been 
> in 15 years.
> --- In, "seekliberation" 
> <seekliberation@> wrote:
> >
> > I agree, our own oil just might be a saving grace some day.  But some 
> > people adamantly refuse to let us drill our own oil due to environmental 
> > reasons, yet they have no problem with every other country in the world 
> > doing it.  Brazil is starting to take over drilling in the Atlantic where 
> > the US is no longer drilling.  I think the theory is that Obama wants it 
> > this way to 'level the playing field' throughout the world.  He isn't 
> > necessarily anti-US, he is simply an internationalist in his philosophy, 
> > and he wants to see everyone else get their fair share now.
> > 
> > seekliberation
> > 
> > --- In, wgm4u <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In, "seekliberation" 
> > > <seekliberation@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Our backbone is already broken.  Men today are not what they were 60-70 
> > > > years ago, the democrats aren't what they used to be, nor are the 
> > > > republicans.  We don't have the 'do whatever it takes' mindset anymore. 
> > > >  We have the mentality of borrowing in order to take care of ourselves, 
> > > > with no concrete plan on how to pay it back.  And it's not just in 
> > > > terms of politics and government, it's become the fabric of our whole 
> > > > society.  Corrupt mortgage and loan companies combined with people 
> > > > irresponsible and ignorant enough to lack the discriminative ability to 
> > > > see a bad deal for what it is has rendered our country bankrupt.  There 
> > > > is no solution, liberal or conservative, that will fix this.
> > > > 
> > > > Yes, Obama may lead us into fiscal oblivion.  But I don't see any magic 
> > > > tricks up Romney's sleeve either.  The only reason I see to vote for 
> > > > him is if you want to send a message to politicians that they either 
> > > > get the job done, or get out.  Otherwise, you're delusional if you 
> > > > think voting for Romney is something that will save us. 
> > > > 
> > > > A total collapse is inevitable, IMO.  Even during the Clinton era, when 
> > > > there was a balanced budget with a slight surplus, there still wasn't 
> > > > even a fraction of what was needed to pay off the national debt.  Now 
> > > > that debt is tripled.  Most economists who have no political bias are 
> > > > saying the 16 Trillion is mathematically impossible for us to recover 
> > > > from without extremely significant reductions in our standard of 
> > > > living.  I can picture riots and violence breaking out everywhere if 
> > > > this happens.  We Americans think we're so far above the barbaric 
> > > > tendencies of other nations.  Just wait and see what happens when we 
> > > > endure through the same hardships they do. 
> > > > 
> > > > seekliberation 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Sad, but probably true! The only bright spot really is the energy sector, 
> > > we're sitting on trillions but the Obama admin. is holding it back!
> > >
> >

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