> Synchronized Meditation Times
> For the next week and through the U.S. elections—U.S. Meditators across the 
> country and meditators around the world, even in Leiden, can add to the 
> peace-creating power of their meditation by meditating with thousands of 
> other meditators—all at the same time.
> >

Effective immediately, suggested meditation times for meditator in each time 
zone of the Western Hemisphere are as follows:
> > If you live in Fairfield, Iowa or if it's convenient to go Fairfield, even 
> > for a week, now is an opportune time to join the most powerful 
> > Coherence-Creating Group Meditation in the country and really help.
> > > 
> > > With crucial elections a week away and an epic storm bearing down on the 
> > > Eastern Seaboard, we need to rally together to synchronize meditation 
> > > times in each time zone across the continents—and, whenever possible, 
> > > enjoy group meditation in your area with other meditators. 
> > > > 
> > > > What the world needs most right now is something you can give: 
> > > > coherence.
> > > > >
> > > > > It's crucial, in this delicate time of transformation, that we all 
> > > > > join together and do everything we can to quickly stabilize a higher 
> > > > > level of harmony and positivity in collective consciousness. At 
> > > > > present, the number of Meditators in the Domes is still less than 
> > > > > what America needs to truly protect the nation and ensure a smooth 
> > > > > transition.
> > > > > 
> > > > > >
> > > > > > At least sit to meditation on that [Election] day.  Certainly 
> > > > > > meditation is real important and people should practice meditation 
> > > > > > with discipline for a lot of really good spiritual and practical 
> > > > > > reasons.  Now, If you have only a choice between voting and 
> > > > > > meditating on that day, then make sure you get your meditation in.  
> > > > > > Meditating would have the larger impact on your world.  That's my 
> > > > > > experience and I'm pretty certain the science would back me up on 
> > > > > > this.  
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Now also, Consider that unless you live in one of five or so 
> > > > > > contested States your individual vote is not going to count for 
> > > > > > anything.  You could vote ten thousand or a hundred thousand times 
> > > > > > for President in some of the un-contested States and not change 
> > > > > > anything.  But meditating always benefits the world.  Hence, 
> > > > > > Meditating would be more important than voting. I would hope you 
> > > > > > would all come back to meditation on that day.  I would personally 
> > > > > > be grateful. 
> > > > > > Be all that you can Be,
> > > > > > -Buck in the Dome  
> > > > > >

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