> > The point is, you two Barry's love movies
> > about mayhem, so it's funny to hear you 
> > spout off about the Mormons. LoL!
> >
> So it's all about Texas.
It's all about cowboys; I thought you said you 
saw the TV series.

> Joseph Smith was the L. Ron Hubbard of the 
> 19th century.
Case in point. LoL!


Here's what the U.S. needs: A president that 
understands how to create jobs and a president 
that will make America safer and not fudge the 
truth for political gain when the U.S. gets 

What the world needs is a leader that will 
stand up to the terrorist sharia jihadists and 
wipe them out. Obama is just not that man, 

'The Muslim Brotherhood: Who Are They Really?'

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