On 10/31/2012 05:46 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>> The point is, you two Barry's love movies
>>> about mayhem, so it's funny to hear you
>>> spout off about the Mormons. LoL!
> Bhairitu:
>> So it's all about Texas.
> It's all about cowboys; I thought you said you
> saw the TV series.

You said:

The Fox TV series 'Firefly' was nothing more than the story
of the 'Battle of the Alamo': Texians caught in the middle
of a war between Mexico and the United States. A western
space opera where 'Reavers' is just another name for Tejas
native inhabitants. Simple plot, interesting characters and
special effects. The point is, you two Barry's love movies
about mayhem, so it's funny to hear you spout off about the
Mormons. LoL!


That's your conjecture.  We all know it's a space opera western.

>> Joseph Smith was the L. Ron Hubbard of the
>> 19th century.
> Case in point. LoL!
> alt.religion.mormon:
> http://tinyurl.com/8ev74fm
> Here's what the U.S. needs: A president that
> understands how to create jobs and a president
> that will make America safer and not fudge the
> truth for political gain when the U.S. gets
> attacked.
> What the world needs is a leader that will
> stand up to the terrorist sharia jihadists and
> wipe them out. Obama is just not that man,
> obviously.
> 'The Muslim Brotherhood: Who Are They Really?'
> http://tinyurl.com/8lncsl4

How is Romney a jobs creator when he destroyed so many businesses? 
Sounds like you want to live in a country that is like East Germany 
during the Cold War replete with STASI (which BTW we already have with 
the fucking DHS).  As Ben Franklin would say, you Mittiots deserve 
neither freedom nor liberty.

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