--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mjackson74" <mjackson74@...> wrote: > > Just curious to know if those who are regular with the TM Sidhi practice > would answer this: If you were no longer able for some unknown esoteric > reason (or instructions came from the TMO) to no longer practice the flying > sutra, would you still do the rest of the sutras in addition to TM? When I > was regular, the flying sutra was the highlight of the program, and for most > people I knew, the other sutras were what you did to get to the flying sutra, > so if you couldn't do it, would you continue with the rest of the sutras? >
I would, at least with some of them. For instance, kuurma-naaDii (not sure what it's in English; bronchial tube??) has turned out to be extremely beneficial every now and then...