The Prophet sanctioned pedophilia

Tabari IX:137 - "Allah granted Rayhana of the Qurayza to 
Muhammad as booty." Muhammad considered the women that he 
captured and enslaved to be God's gift to him.

Tabari VIII:117 - "Dihyah had asked the Messenger for 
Safiyah when the Prophet chose her for himself... the 
Apostle traded for Safiyah by giving Dihyah her two cousins. 
The women of Khaybar were distributed among the Muslims." He 
sometimes pulled rank to reserve the most beautiful captured 
women for himself. 

Tubari IX:139 - "You are a self-respecting girl, but the 
prophet is a womanizer." Words spoken by the disappointed 
parents of a girl who had 'offered' herself to Muhammad.

Muhammad's sexual antics are an embarrassment to those 
Muslims who are aware of them. This is particularly so for 
their prophet's marriage to Aisha when she was 6-years-old. 
The thought of a 52-year-old man sleeping and bathing with a 
young girl is intensely unpleasant and it reflects the 
disgusting character of a sexual glutton rather than a holy 
man. Critics even allege that Muhammad was a pedophile.

Some Muslims respond by denying the hadith itself, which is 
a mistake. The accounts of Muhammad sleeping with a 
9-year-old are no less reliable than those on which the five 
pillars of Islam are based. They have been an accepted part 
of tradition and did not become controversial until social 
mores began to change with the modern age. 

The charge of pedophilia may or may not be true, depending 
on how it is defined. Technically, Muhammad did have a 
sexual relationship with a child, but Aisha was also the 
youngest of his twelve wives. Zaynab was in her 30's when 
she attracted the unquenchable lust of the prophet. We don't 
know the age of Muhammad's sex slaves. They may or may not 
have been as young as Aisha, but there is no point in 

Another strong piece of evidence against Muhammad being a 
pedophile is that, according to the same Hadith, he waited 
from the time Aisha was six (when the marriage ceremony took 
place) until she turned nine to consummate the relationship. 
Although the text doesn't say why, in all probability it was 
because he was waiting for her to begin menstrual cycles - 
thus entering into "womanhood." It is unlikely that a 
pedophile would be concerned about this. 

On the other hand, Muhammad passed down revelations from 
Allah that clearly condoned sleeping with underage girls, 
even by the standard of puberty. Qur'an (65:4)  lays down 
rules for divorce, one of them being that a waiting period 
of three months is established to determine that the woman 
is not pregnant. But the same rule applies to "those too who 
have not had their courses," "a real man is one who marries 
a real woman"... but that's just us.meaning girls who have 
not begun to menstruate. (In our opinion, this would have 
been a great time for Allah to have said something else 
instead like, thanks to Muhammad's extremely poor judgment 
(at best) and explicit approval of pedophilia, sex with 
children became deeply ingrained 
in the Islamic tradition. For many centuries, Muslim armies 
would purge Christian and Hindu peasant villages of their 
menfolk and send the women and children to harems and the 
thriving child sex slave markets deep in the Islamic world. 

The Ayatollah Khomeini, who married a 12-year-old girl, even 
gave his consent to using infants 
( for 
sexual pleasure (although warning against full penetration 
until the baby is a few years older). In April, 2010, a 
13-year-old Yemeni girl died from injuries suffered to her 
womb during intercourse.

Some clerics show relative mercy on underage girls by 
advocating a process known as "thighing" (also known as 
child molestation in the West). According to a recent fatwa 
(known as 23672), the imam answers a question: "My parents 
married me to a young girl who hasn't yet reached puberty. 
How can I enjoy her sexually?" by telling the 'man' that he 
may "hug her, kiss her, and ejaculate between her legs."

Muhammad's penchant for girls so much younger than him was 
such that at least two of his father-in-laws (Abu Bakr and 
Omar, the first two Caliphs) were actually younger than him 
as well. This disappointing pattern is very much at odds 
with the sort of sexual discipline that one might expect of 
a true "prophet of God." 

Muhammad's pursuit of Zaynab, the wife of his adopted son is 
almost as tough for Muslims to explain. This is because it 
not only raises a similar question of moral character, but 
also casts suspicion on whether his so-called prophecies 
were really divine revelation or dictates of personal 
convenience. According to one biographer, even Aisha appears 
to be somewhat doubtful of Muhammad's claim that Allah 
commanded him to marry Zaynab, wryly remarking, "Truly Allah 
seems to be very quick in fulfilling your prayers."

So controversial was Muhammad's desire to marry his adopted 
son's wife that he had to justify it with a stern 
pronouncement from Allah on the very institution of 
adoption, which has had tragic consequences to this day. 
Verses 33:4-5  are widely interpreted to imply that Islam is 
against adoption meaning that an untold number of children 
in the Islamic world have been needlessly orphaned - all 
because Muhammad's lustful desires for a married woman went 
beyond even what the other six wives that he possessed at 
the time and a multitude of slaves could satisfy. 

Some Muslims deny that Muhammad was married to more than 
four women at a time, merely on the basis that the Qur'an 
only gives permission for marrying four. Unfortunately, 
Muslims historians disagree. Only one of Muhammad's last 
eleven wives died before him (Zaynab bint Khuzayma). The 
rest outlived him by many years. 

Muhammad forbade his ten widows from remarrying, even making 
sure that this "divine" order was forever preserved in the 
eternal word of Allah - Qur'an (33:53)  To add insult to 
injury, they were all summarily disinherited from Muhammad's 
estate by his successor (courtesy of another divine order 
"given" to Abu Bakr from Allah).

In summary, Islam's holiest texts portray Muhammad not as a 
perfect man, but as a sexual hedonist. Not only did he 
become fat : Muhammad_th e_Obese)
from indulging in food, but his pursuit of sex was no less 
gluttonous. On top of it all, he used personal "revelations" 
from Allah to justify his debauchery to the gullible masses 
which, to this day, continue to be venerated and memorized 
as if they are the holiest of utterances.

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