--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <feste37@...> wrote:
> It's not going to work, Share. Authfriend has no sense of humor.
> The last time she laughed was in nineteen seventy-nine, and the
> last smile appeared on her face in nineteen eighty-seven, give
> or take a year or two in both cases.

Actually, she laughed pretty hard when she came across this
as she was looking for something else in the archives:

"Oh, Robin, sometimes I wish you would say to your critics
something along the lines of 'I am what I am. If you don't
like it, go fuck yourself,' but I guess that's not your style.
Over the last few days I felt like I was a voyeur at some 
kind of War Crimes Tribunal or at one of those sessions they
have in prisons where victims get to confront those who
wronged them. It all seems a bit over the top. I would say:
Stuff happens. Get used to it. But again, that might be a
little blunt for your elegant mind. I'm also reminded of a
passage in D. H. Lawrence's Women in Love, where the
character Birkin says something like, 'For every murder there
is a murderee, someone who wants to get murdered.' So I think
everyone has to take responsibility for the situations they
get into rather than being so eager to lay blame and whine
about being a victim."

--feste37, August 8, 2012


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