Dear Share:  Thank you for the thoughtful reply - sincerely :).  I agree that 
emotional / mental stress and glitches are more difficult to heal from, in that 
we don't usually see the big ones ourselves - which is why I am trying more and 
more to objectively feel the feedback I am getting from the universe, so to 
speak.  If one is stuck in the subjective all the time and looking for 
confirmation to support one's storyline, than there is a likelihood that one 
will miss opportunities that may be outside the box. Not to negate my 
storyline, but to allow for a different perception to affect it.  This is why I 
like FFL.  There are many perceptions that cross the forum and often, I try 
these on just for fun and to give myself a different way of looking at my life 
and my reactions, etc.  

I guess my question is..."what would complete healing look like?"  What is 
"complete" healing and how can one tell?  Have you ever known anyone who was 
completely healed?  When you wish "complete" healing for someone, what picture 
does that evoke in your mind? 

Yes, "rigorous" could be a trigger word.  I was using it in the context of 
"ruthless", also a trigger word, so I hear you.  Tee Hee.  "Fuller" honesty 
seems like a bit of a cop out, but I'm pretty tough on myself.  A strong 
commitment to honesty and accountability is important for me.  A "settled 
mind/body" is a nice thing to strive for.  I like the book "Full Body Presence" 
although I haven't downloaded the meditation or pursued it beyond understanding 
the concept.  Follow-through is a big issue for me, when it comes to self-care. 
 Hence why I am working on simple things like "I matter" to myself.  Pathetic, 
as Barry would point out. Compassionately, Emily.    

 From: Share Long <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2012 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] to Emily

It's easy to understand complete healing on the physical level.  The cough and 
sniffles and sore throat of a cold cease.  A scrape on the knee stops bleeding, 
closes and the scab falls off.  The tests indicate that there's no trace of 
cancer left in the body. 

OTOH, I don't think physically I'll ever be completely healed of my sugar 
vulnerability.  Short of gene therapy I think with regards to sugar I'll always 
be like an alcoholic who can't even have a little bit.  So I've been completely 
off sugar for 5 weeks now.  Way easier than being partially off.  And the 
benefits keep me motivated.

Similarly, I don't know if I'll ever be completely healed of all my mental or 
emotional stresses or glitches.  I know from Maharishi that the biggest 
stresses are the last ones to be released.  They're also, in my experience, the 
most subtle ones, the ones we often can't see in ourselves.  Thus the necessity 
for wise others to help us.

Anyway, I simply keep living my life and aiming for complete healing as wisely 
as I can.  When I see spontaneous and positive changes in my behavior, then I'm 
encouraged that I'm going in the right direction.  And when the wise others in 
my life give me positive feedback, that also encourages me.  For me, these are 
the criteria to use with regards to becoming, if not completely healed then at 
least more healed.

BTW, rigorous honesty sounds like one of those masculine New Age admonitions 
such as Werner Erhardt might have cooked up.  I prefer the phrase fuller 
honesty if only because it sounds more settling to the body mind.  

If there is one thing to TRY for, it is IMO a more settled body mind.           

 From: Emily Reyn <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2012 10:42 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] to Emily

Thank you for the thoughtful response Share.  We all have different 
communication styles and use language differently to communicate our points of 
view.  One thing I have been thinking about is the question: "what is "complete 
healing?"  I am unable to wrap my head around what that means.  What does it 
mean to you?  

 From: Share Long <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2012 5:08 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] to Emily

Concerning my post to Robin:  I wrote that myself after appt with pastoral 
Concerning my post to RD:  I used the word stress the way that TMers often do.  
Maybe that's why it seemed the way it did to you.
I agree that rigorous honesty is an essential part of human development.
Yes, different people have different senses of humor.

Yes, sometimes I miss the bigger picture.
A couple of times Robin called meruD she but another long term poster corrected 
him.  Even if a she, meruD can still be the Janitor Poet of FFL High.  Male or 
female, meruD inspired a crush in me that lead to a lot of growth.  I remain 


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