--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bill Coop <williamgcoop@...> wrote:
> No one's "gloaming". It's helpful to differentiate between 
> the easily confused identitiea and careers of John T. Farrow 
> and John C. Farrow, one of whom was been in the news recently. 
> I'm sure we all hope that the allegations, like any allegations 
> of this kind, are untrue.

Why would you "hope" this? Is it because you hope that
the kids in question were lying? 

I'm with Michael Jackson on this one in pointing out
the similar knee-jerk reactions of disbelief and 
"Sandusky is innocent until proven guilty" coming from 
Penn State fans and those coming from TM organization 
fans over this issue. I think they're motivated by 
exactly the same thing, and it's NOT any kind of 
concern for the victims of sexual abuse. 

What, after all, is the difference between wanting to
"protect the school" and "protect the TMO?" When pro-
tecting the image of an organization becomes a higher
priority than protecting kids, something's WAY wrong.

Prosecutors do not set bail in the amount of $800,000
without having a pretty strong case. For you to hang
onto "hope" that it's NOT a strong case, and that the
now-adult accusers who were molested as children are
somehow lying kinda says a lot to me about your

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