Dear Share, I am doing a 180 on a comment I made in a prior post.  The most 
compassionate thing you could do for me would be *to read* my posts - the ones 
you have time for.  First, I just want to tell you "congratulations" on 
expressing your outrage in full sentences out loud.  Much nicer than that 
irritating passive-aggressive way.  At least for me.  I hear what you are 
saying.  This is a plus.  Was there a lot of "piling on?"  I haven't checked 
yet, but I wish you'd stop accusing people you think don't like you of being in 
a "pile-on" league ready to go after you.  There is another way to look at it.  
Let me know if you'd like my opinion.  

My comments are below:  

 From: Share Long <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 2:36 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] to Judy

You began misinterpreting me on Sept 9 post 319521 and have continued to do so 
up to the present.  But what is the real problem is your asserting that your 
opinions, misinterpretations, POVs are the accurate ones, the truthful ones.

Judy has presented the majority of her posts back to you with excerpts of what 
you wrote in an effort to get you to look closely at  the words you've written. 
 She has admitted that she has been harder on you (in that she hasn't bent over 
backwards to apologize like Robin did) than others have.  Judy may not 
apologize for what she writes if it offends someone or not, but she takes 
responsibility for writing it.  

Have you taken responsibility for what you've written?  It took me two weeks to 
get you to admit (I think?) that you really do believe there is a version of 
WTS going on here at FFL.  Just come out and say it - then we can talk about 
why you think this is and what those of us on the hit list are in for.  

Have you admitted honestly to the way you've dissed Judy?  Do you think that 
you have?  Should you clean up your side of the street too?  

Honestly, if I had Judy, Ann and raunchy and Ravi and Robin and me and others 
posting to me with a common theme - I would respect them enough in their own 
right, flaws and all, to try and figure out what the heck they were trying to 
tell me.  And then, I would run like hell.

Now about my alleged dishonesty:  I have never experienced a situation such as 
I have had with Robin.  laughinggull wrote insightfully about changing his 
opinions.  But for me about Robin, it has been more even than that.  Since Sept 
6 I've been trying to make sense of all that has happened.  It has been a 
challenging process to understand what is going on within me and with him.  

I think this is the fairest statement you've made to date, and I like the nice, 
diplomatic words you use...."challenging process"....very corporate. 

Your constant and vitriolic butting in has merely made this process more 
challenging.  At least for me.

You leveled an incredible, vitriolic allegation at Robin publicly here and then 
substantiated it based on private communiques you said you had with him and 
"others." You have never acknowledged that there might be a different way to 
look at it, or that you have a responsibility to apologize yourself for your 
behavior, regardless if you think you are right or wrong - your choice of 
attack was mean-spirited at the very least and condemning (particularly towards 
a male, IMO - but I already had that conversation).  Robin made a serious 
attempt to apologize to you for what could have caused you so much distress.  

Judy has and does support Robin.  I don't expect this to change and neither 
should you. She's read more of his posts than probably anyone here and she also 
has an excellent memory and ability to search the archives to attempt to 
maintain accurate documentation of conversations - to keep record of context, 
for example, and make it available for review again.  She jumps in with her 
interpretation of events - so does everyone.  

This whole "vitriolic butting in" thing though, and I say this to laughingfully 
also, is a protocol that simply doesn't apply here on a public internet forum.  
It's actually a gift the way I look at it - my way is another way to look at 
it.  You are not a victim - you have stated you don't read her posts anymore - 
I think that's a mistake, but you might need to toughen up and take criticism 
the way its given on FFL, not limit your ability to receive feedback by your 
criteria only.  That's what the healing sessions are for, not FFL. You cannot 
control FFL.  

But you have little or no compassion for this.  You don't even have the common 
sense understanding that not everyone has the time to check archives.  Instead 
you call people like me and Steve lazy.  

Mostly, Judy is calling you and Steve lazy for not supporting the allegations 
you are asserting, particularly if the argument cries for a little support, or, 
in your case Share, you often change up what *YOU SAY* and pretend it was 
something different later.  If you allege something that puts somebody else 
down, than you should be ready to show something that proves it, at least in 
your eyes.  And, you should stand on what you say, or not, but admit you are 
changing up what you say.  We don't have advantage that one-on-one conversation 
can give you context, so FFL and the internet rely on words, pictures, videos. 

Me, I am definitely lazy.  I'm both technically challenged and lazy when it 
comes to good archival searches....I admit it.  Sometimes I refer to something 
and hope someone else will find it for me - it doesn't always work though.  See 
how lazy I am?  

You don't recognize that people have imperfect memories.  Add to this your lack 
of compassion and what emerges is your calling me a liar again and again.  And 
do you really think that all the badgering and name calling really makes the 
situation better?  Oh, right, I forgot, you don't really care about that, do 
you?  Maybe you're just happy to have someone other than Barry to attack. 

Share, you are sounding like a victim here again.  This is not why Judy is 
calling you dishonest.  Did she call you a liar?  She doesn't usually do that.  
There's a difference, I've learned.  Ha.  You have done so much name calling 
here, it is ridiculous.  Have you thought about cleaning up your side of the 
street and not playing the victim?  Or, do you think you have nothing to 
apologize for?  

OTOH, it's
 damned if I do,
 damned if I don't.  Meaning there's your opposite accusation that I think I'm 
all love and light or try to appear that I
 am.  Maybe I seem that way to you because I don't get hateful 
and vitriolic like you do.  It's called projecting a golden shadow, BTW. 

Huh?  Projecting a golden shadow?  Tell me more, please do?  You do get hateful 
and vitriolic Share - come on now.  You took down 7 people at once (at least) 
through completely dismissing any individual contributions they might be making 
and characterizing them as members of a cult and also high school.  These 
people are full-on adults and you diminished and insulted them all, IMO, 
including me. You have never apologized for this.  Even now, that over two 
weeks has passed. This is particularly irritating to me.  You are far closer to 
Cult mentality than I Share, you are *in* one (TMO), according to many opinions 
(not mine - I haven't bothered to care about this really, yet).  

About my alleged avoiding of confrontation:  I have 7 posts per day and lots of 
interesting people on FFL to respond to.  People whose opinion I do care 
about.  I am not going to waste all my posts replying to you because what is 
the point?  You are convinced that you are right and that I'm a liar.  Plus 
from that first upset you have been biased towards Robin.  Fine, you've known 
each other longer.  You have some strange karma to work out with each other.  
Whatever!  BTW, there's a big difference between being loyal and being biased.  
The latter is not healthy.  

And if I'm really such a liar, so toxic, so lacking in honesty and integrity, 
why would you even want to have any communication with me at all?  In some ways 
this is the most baffling question of all.   

Share, if you diss others' on FFL and Judy thinks you are making inaccurate and 
unfair remarks, she is going to step up and say so.  So would a lot of people 
here. This is why she encouraged you to say what you mean and mean what you 
say.  If you want to disparage others', go ahead, but be ready for feedback.  
If you don't like the feedback, there are other, more positive (for you) forums 
to participate in I'm sure.  You are free to leave.  You are not a victim.  
Personally, I think you should stay and do some soul-searching while you are 
here.  There is another way to look at what is going on here.  

You have still not apologized for anything that you've said that contributed to 
the discord.  I mean specifically, not generally.  Hopopo doesn't count.  

Now everyone, let's watch the tedious and predictable piling on that happens.



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