Brilliant post, Emily, and absolutely *compassionate.* It's certainly not from 
lack of trying that Share doesn't value the insights you've attempted to give 
her concerning the dynamics of how and why she's gotten herself into such a 
pickle with so many people on FFLife. It's sad to watch.

--- In, "emilymae.reyn" <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
> Dear Sharester, I'm having trouble letting go.  But, I promise I will after 
> this post.  *Really.*  I will demonstrate the letting go action to you - it's 
> good practice for me.  Before I go for now, I will say that I hope you print 
> out and show the last two posts re: wts that you wrote and I responded to, 
> that you never got back to me on, to your pastoral counselor.  If she tells 
> you that "yes, you are right, you have maintained your integrity through the 
> whole conversation and these people challenging you are just bullies and mean 
> and unfairly abusive," you will know for sure that you are paying her for 
> nothing.  
> First of all, you didn't even give me the time of day to respond, and I put a 
> lot of energy and effort into those posts to you - recognizing you as a human 
> being.
> Second, you might think about, in the privacy of your own prayer routine, 
> thanking Ann, raunchy, Judy, Ravi, Robin, Ravi and I for processing all of 
> your negative emotions over the last 6 months for you.  For my part, I did 
> this out of love and concern for you Share (yes, that irritating universal 
> love of you as another human being.)  
> This tactic of yours - launching passive attacks and then running away and 
> asking those you launched spears at to do your dirty work is a good one, 
> isn't it?  Then, you feel better and can skip off to the Dome, presenting 
> nothing to those you meet on the yellow brick road, but generosity, openness, 
> and love.  I bet you act as a source of knowledge to others', don't you.  
> I bet you include a lot of information to them on food and supplements they 
> should be taking.  You outed yourself by mistake when you said you had had 
> food issues all your life.  Are you aware of what that means and how having 
> issues with this most basic function in life (eating) can through time fully 
> affect the construct of your thought process, and forever-more create a need 
> to subconsciously protect yourself so you never have to deal with it and the 
> self-preservation issues that come with it? I am sorry you've had to deal 
> with this. It's a survival issue, I know.  I don't have it, but in the past, 
> I have been intimately involved with someone who has.  Comes with endless 
> denial, I'm aware. 
> The years of dedication to healing; the living in a healing community; the 
> collection of people and healers and philosophies support the construct of 
> denial you have built.  You never have to get truly real Share or speak for 
> yourself - you have learned the healing language and just have to invoke 
> experts on your behalf over and over again.  You can hide forever and act 
> like an innocent victim, whenever anyone asks to be validated for their own 
> individual thought process that disagrees with yours - because you are right, 
> because you have done nothing to apologize or make amends for, because there 
> is something wrong with them and they need to experience "complete healing."  
> I am sorry that you have had to go the this kind of extreme in your life to 
> self-preserve.  It is a testament of our instinct, as humans, to survive.  I 
> am sorry that, in all cases, you twist reality to fit your own worldview and 
> summarily dismiss and attack anyone and everything that won't conform to your 
> way of thinking. Too threatening isn't it.  You are missing out on so much 
> Share, but it's beyond me at this point to try and convince you of this.  I  
> do believe you are fully entrenched in your vision of yourself and your own 
> rock solid storyline - and you have built an enormous safety net of people 
> who see only what you show them - the bliss bubble of the positive 
> characteristics you want to be known for.  It's sad to watch.
> You placing me in a cult, because you were too afraid to be honest and real, 
> is predictable; as was your refusal to address it.  Easier to just forever 
> claim you were "right" and relentlessly impose your reality on FFL with no 
> interest in supporting or discussing it.  Another example is continuing to 
> invoke the term "wishing complete healing" on people and FFL at large without 
> ever clearly examining what that means - how dare anyone challenge you on 
> this meaningless term. Right?  Also, on ousting Judy, Ann, and raunchy from 
> your readers' list and I'm guessing me, after this post, if you have the guts 
> to read it. So many other examples Share of your refusing to actually 
> interact with anyone who has tried, unless you are sure you can control the 
> outcome.  
> But, you keep reading Barry, although he was a bit hard on you today, don't 
> you think?  Just return to the innocent little girl stance and use a "poo" 
> extension for him....he did take a large poo today on you didn't he?  
> Just throw us all away Share and keep putting us all down - we challenged you 
> on your reality and you are so shame-based deep down, that it is simply 
> unacceptable.  You must retain your vision of yourself at all costs, right?  
> I am sorry you are so shame-based.  Of course it isn't your fault - you 
> didn't deserve whatever created this within, but you are responsible for what 
> you say and do and how you behave now.  The only solution, as I said before, 
> is rigorous honesty.  You don't need to exercise that here, but don't forget 
> that I know what I am talking about in this regard.
> Stop caring about what the other posters think about you. I've given up on 
> worrying about that myself.  It's kind of freeing.  I'd be mad at Judy too, 
> if I were you Share, just fyi.  My ego would be upset.  But, I would still 
> try to pay attention to what she was saying.  She doesn't run away Share - 
> she puts herself out there consistently and without regard to the attacks she 
> might get in return. 
> This is my final thought.  I am going to let you go Share, in love and with 
> compassion.  But, I will not forget the way that you treated me in FFL-land.  
> However, I will "leave the door open" for you anytime you feel like 
> addressing me in any way you want.  Keep smiling and throwing darts and 
> launching spiked spears for as long as it's working for you, even if it's 
> your whole life.  You have another one coming, right?  Emily.      

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