Jack, yours here in this post is the long indictment but I sense that most 
people are just moving forward.  We all kind of know this stuff but are not 
getting held up by it.  Sort of like armies will go around a fortified tower 
and let it starve and surrender.   With the leadership now the past evidently 
is the past by not saying much about it and being in the here and now towards 
going forward.  Going forward selectively with what good things they have is a 
practical choice and it proly is better for them to just be as clear and 
transparent in their accounting and expression of their goals and mission 
statements going forward as such.  They certainly are not able to bring 
themselves to acknowledge or discuss the past as it certainly seems to be a 
lesser state of evolution as you in fact fairly recite it and they are way too 
enmeshed in it to effectively get in to the morass of it.  It's a communal 
problem that people mitigate for themselves.  I spoke about that problem with 
one of the important Rajas and he said two things, first was "What problems of 
the past?" and second, "I'm not going to respond to every person on the 
internet saying things".  That is a choice.  It is all in process and of course 
unresolved.  They will always be dogged by it as long as they live but it is 
all a part of what makes human nature interesting here.
You ought to come back to the Dome to meditate.  It is pretty nice as a place 
to meditate.
Warm Regards,

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@...> wrote:
> I think its probably because most reputable scientists realize the so called 
> science behind the ME effect studies, plus the pseudo science that claims to 
> prove the spiffy effect of vastu veda (plus the ill effects of south facing 
> entrances) are such nonsense they don't want to bother refuting them.
> If this is such "proven" technology, esp. on the grand scale of "let's create 
> world peace", why haven't the responsible people of the world embraced it to 
> create world peace? Do you see Nelson Mandela doing TM? Dalai Lama? If this 
> really would do the trick, don't you think people like that would jump at the 
> chance to practice it themselves and implement flying groups in their own 
> backyard? 
> Because in 37 years of "proven technology" not one single person has actually 
> levitated, not one person has become enlightened even through TM, the 
> behavior of most of the long term meditators at the top of the Movement 
> itself is at least proof that long term meditation does not make you a better 
> person, if the behavior of Bevan, Neil, Greg and a plethora of other TM 
> biggies including M's nephews in India is any indication, long term TM has 
> the opposite effect of what the TM claims are. Like it or not one has to deal 
> with the baggage of the behavior of the leaders of the Movement if you want 
> to deal fully and honestly with the grandiose claims of the efficacy of TM 
> and its adjunct programs.
> So let's review:
> nearly 60 years of TM practice round the world and no one can be clearly said 
> to have reached Unity 
> consciousness through the practice of TM alone, nor through the TM sidhi 
> program
> 37 years of Yogic "Flying" - no one ever levitates
> After decades of practice, 1st 3 sutras of friendliness, happiness and 
> compassion are not in evidence to any obvious degree in the people you would 
> expect to see it in, i.e. - the leaders of the Movement
> Many pronouncements of Maharishi have been seen to be untrue - practice of TM 
> brings enlightenment, TM - Sidhi program creates Unity consciousness, 
> practice of TM for 3-5 years will bring on at least CC, and so on.
> Few if any of the projects Maharishi solicited money for were ever built or 
> completed,meaning that he took money under false pretenses.
> Most business arrangements between the Movement and outside organizations and 
> business resulted in the other business getting screwed
> Although the TM movement claims 6 million initiations over nearly 60 years as 
> if 6 million are still meditating, we all know that lots of those initiated 
> have stopped doing TM for a variety of reasons not the least of which is the 
> bizarre, whacky and unethical behavior of the TM leaders
> The famous inefficiency and unpleasant behavior of the Movement and its 
> leaders and even mid to low level managers is proof enough of the failure of 
> the ME
> The fact that the Movement people are willing and eager to tell lies is 
> enough proof enough that TM is no panacea.
> What lies, you ask? I give just one example.
> "Unless homes and working places are in harmony with
> the Natural Law that harmonizes everything in creation and maintains order in
> the whole expanding universe, the life of the individual will always remain 
> off
> balance. Lack of balance between the individual and his Cosmic Counterparts
> will always be the basic cause of ill health, problems, and misfortune."
> Quote from
> (http://maharishi-programmes.globalgoodnews.com/vedic-architecture/programmes.html)
> The life of the individual will always remain off balance? 
> I
> see no other way to interpret this than that it means no matter what you do,
> including regular practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi Program, you are still going
> to have an unbalanced life unless you live in a Maharishi Sthapatya Veda home.
> Which either means the entire the TM program is useless and
> ineffective, or they are lying about the necessity for this type of
> architecture in the world.
> So to sum up, you really expect responsible scientists who are not interested 
> in promoting TM to continue their own paycheck from Movement to waste time 
> trying to refute a bunch of nonsense? 
> I think they would rather waste their professional talents refuting the 
> science behind the "proof" that Bigfoot is a Southern cousin of the yetis. 
> The science of bigfoots and yetis is about as solid as the "science" behind 
> most of the TM ME studies and by the way, lol, let's review, just because you 
> like to parrot what the Movement says about how many peer reviewed studies 
> about TM are out there don't make it so - the fact that the TM Movement 
> people are proven liars is enough to make any of their assertions suspect.
> ________________________________
>  From: Richard J. Williams <richard@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 11:26 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is this a shameless lie??
> mjackson74:
> > ...as to all the other so called scientific research on 
> > things like the Maharishi Effect even Moe, Larry and 
> > Curly can see its horse poop
> > 
> Maybe so, but if the 360 TM studies have been refuted, you 
> would think that we could read some of studies in the 
> learned journals that first published the TM studies. 
> Why can't you cite any studies that refute the TM studies?
> > > ...the sceptics on tm website is operated by Tom Ball, 
> > > the guy who has been teaching TM in North and South 
> > > Carolina for years! 
> > > 
> > Well, until you post some scientific evidence that
> > refutes the facts mentioned by Ball, I think I'll agree 
> > with him. If you can find any double-blind, scientific
> > studies that refute the TM studies, please post the 
> > links here.
> > 
> > The facts:
> > 
> > Over 360 scientists in 30 countries have conducted 
> > research on the TM technique; the vast majority were 
> > not affiliated with the TM program; and the quality 
> > of research on TM was praised by independent 
> > scientists.
> > 
> > > Look at the Sceptics blog here 
> > > 
> > > http://skepticsontm.blogspot.com/p/why-this-site.html
> > > 
> > > now look at Tom's picture here
> > > 
> > > http://meditationasheville.blogspot.com/p/teachers.html
> > > 
> > > Its even the same damn pic!
> > > 
> > > > > > This was a fact. The crime rate did drop by 18%. However, 
> > > > > > the rate that dropped by 18% was not the number of crimes 
> > > > > > actually committed ÃÆ'¯Â¿Â½ in fact, during the 
> > > > > > experiment, 
> > > > > > Washington's weekly murder count hit the highest level ever 
> > > > > > recorded. The 18% drop was from Hagelin's computer prediction 
> > > > > > of what would have happened had his meditators not been 
> > > > > > meditating and levitating.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2012/oct/08/meditation-crime-prevention-research
> > > > > 
> > > > > The murder rate doubled one week. There was a gang war that 
> > > > > weekend. The next week it went down to 50% below the average. 
> > > > > The murder rate for the study period was essentially unchanged. 
> > > > > However, the crime rate of other violent crimes did drop during 
> > > > > the period, both as an absolute rate (2-3 percent), and as a 
> > > > > rate adjusted for by including predicted crime rate based on 
> > > > > temperature (18%).
> > > > >
> > > turquoiseb:
> > > > Classic data "cherry picking" and falsification, Lawson.
> > > > You should be ashamed of yourself, as should the designers
> > > > of this so-called "study." 
> > > > 
> > > > "The crime rate really DID fall, just as long as you leave
> > > > out this one set of outlying data that shows that it rose,
> > > > and as long as you measure it against this imaginary 
> > > > 'prediction' of what the crime rate 'should' have been."
> > > > 
> > > > Here...cherry pick THIS data:
> > > > 
> > > > http://www.behind-the-tm-facade.org/maharishi_effect-mdefect-fairfield.htm
> > > >
> > > Criticism of Transcendental Meditation: Overview:
> > > http://skepticsontm.blogspot.com/
> > > 
> > > Review: Down Joe Kellett's Rabbit Hole:
> > > http://skepticsontm.blogspot.com/2009/03/review-suggestibilityorg.html
> > >
> >

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