--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" <richard@...> wrote:
> laughinggull108:  
> > LaughingGull will whine, "Hey, I'm over here, I'm over 
> > here...jeez, what does it take to get noticed around 
> > here, huh, huh?"
> >
> It may take many years of posting for you to get any 
> recognition on discussion groups like this. Until then, 
> you'll be considered if not called, a troll, a liar, or 
> a perv, based on your birth circumstances.
> So, I must have posted over 3,000 on-topic messages to
> alt.meditation.transcendental before I got a response.
> I once got stomped on by Andrew Skolnick and not a 
> single informant came to my defense!
> At about the two year point of my participation I 
> replied to a post by Barry about the 'Cathars' and Barry 
> called me a 'prairie dog fucker' for butting in to the 
> discussion. I guess I pressed a hot button talking trash 
> about Rama. 
> LoL!
> After about five years of posting to a.m.t., I posted a 
> political message about John Kerry not being in Cambodia 
> in 1968.
> That's when the shit hit the fan and Judy went on a 
> years-long bat-shit crazy debate with me about the Kerry
> Swift-boaters. Now, thirteen yaers later, she still 
> thinks I'm a troll and won't even speak to me anymore, 
> which is probably a good thing- look what happened to
> Share. Go figure.
> A short selection of my fan mail from Yahoo! FFL Forum,
> in no particular order. 
> Richard, you life hating fuck.
> You murder-supporting psychotic malignancy.
> Joseph Goebbels would have hired you in a second.
> You're a dark, malevolent, vile, propagandist for evil.
> Richard, if they hadn't caught the guy already, I'd 
> think you were the BTK murderer.
> Get the hell out of here with your corrosive slavering 
> for yet more suffering in the world.
> I mean, come on you good hearted folks here, stand up 
> and denounce this vile presence here. 
> He is such a disgusting creep that I openly ask for all 
> of us to ask Rick to banish him forever.
> You're lying gutless supporter of child killing.
> You're a shitheel apologist for evil.
> You're a low corrupt disinformationalist.
> You immoral insane purveyor of establishment spin.
> You're a sick twister of truth into conceptual filth.
> Name the time and place. I'll bring 16 ounce boxing 
> gloves, a professional boxing referee paid in full, 
> and I'll show you a new state of consciousness.

That's a mighty impressive collection of insults, Willy. It's impressive in the 
sense that Judy wrote such colorful insults *and* impressive that you actually 
collected and posted them.

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