Hey Robin,

You know me.  I'm more for the one liners. Maybe you would refer to it
as shooting from the hip.  I don't think I can adopt your prescription. 
On the other hand, I feel my method of operation works pretty well for
me especially when evaluated by day to day reality.  If my speciality
was thinking and philosophy, it might be a different story.

On the other hand, I recall at age 16 going down the the new age book
store, at that time on Euclid Avenue, and purchasing two books -  "The
Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ", and a book by Rudolf Steiner.  And
that was followed by probably hundreds of more books along the same
lines.  So, I did spend some considerable time delving into traditional
and new age writings

And on the other hand, when I walked outside today after sleeping in,
and feeling the nice chilly air, and seeing the squirrels climbing in
the trees and birds chirping, I felt wonderful.

I would say that is where my mind is these days.  Not trying to think
too hard if what I am saying is supported by Reality, or if it is coming
from a place of unadultered Truth.  Hell no!

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" wrote:
> >
> > > What a brilliant conversation here. Nothing better. Bob Price has
> > demonstrated the knowledge of the character and mind of our resident
> > editor. "I think the Dove should descend". Let us have a discussion
> > which will "wallow in agreement": This video was superb. I think
> > Authfriend just received the highest compliment.
> >
> >
> > Jesus Christ. Did you just borrow the Pope's Chair of Infallibility
> > something?
> Steve: Bob Price has a video for you for Christmas too. You should see
it. It's very good, I think. Merry Christmas to you. No, no ex cathedra
here; just plain common sense.
> Did you actually listen to the conversation here, Steve? I need to
> It was just an intuitive judgment based upon having enjoyed every word
of that conversation.
> But believe me: have a look at Santa's video.
> And Merry Christmas, Steve. The one-liner temptation, it usually is
funny on one level, but ironically insensitive on every other level.
> That's me being defensive, Steve.
> Share loves you, this the Veda tells me so.
> Have some pity on Canada, please: we are without hockey right now and
some of us are over-compensating.
> Don't select what you think you can say something to, Steve; take in
everything, and then when you want to get a good line off you can hold
it all inside of you; that way, you will have something a little more in
your song.
> We love you anyhow.
> Truth for me, Stevie, is a moment-to-moment thing. If you really meant
that I misinterpreted Santa's present to authfriend, give us your
> Reality is the target. That's what we're all trying to hit. Whether we
know it or not.
> Get into the guts of it all, Steve. Not one fingernail.
> Love to you and your family at Christmas.
> Robin

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