(Should read)


Thank you for your warm response, I'm always impressed by
the way you fearlessly share your experience and insight, despite the envy and
resentment directed your way by some; if I was limited to one word to describe 
I would say you're *original* (a found gift IMHO). 

Like Ravi, and many others on FFL, I'm amused by those who
say we must be your followers, if we think of you as a friend; in 40+ years of
commercial traveling, I've met few people who are selling their wares less than
you are. 

Merry Christmas Masked Zebra


From: Robin Carlsen <maskedze...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 5:58:05 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" wrote:
> > What a brilliant conversation here. Nothing better. Bob Price has
> demonstrated the knowledge of the character and mind of our resident
> editor. "I think the Dove should descend". Let us have a discussion
> which will "wallow in agreement": This video was superb. I think
> Authfriend just received the highest compliment.
> Jesus Christ.  Did you just borrow the Pope's Chair of Infallibility of
> something?

Steve: Bob Price has a video for you for Christmas too. You should see it. It's 
very good, I think. Merry Christmas to you. No, no ex cathedra here; just plain 
common sense.

Did you actually listen to the conversation here, Steve? I need to know. 

It was just an intuitive judgment based upon having enjoyed every word of that 

But believe me: have a look at Santa's video.

And Merry Christmas, Steve. The one-liner temptation, it usually is funny on 
one level, but ironically insensitive on every other level.

That's me being defensive, Steve.

Share loves you, this the Veda tells me so.

Have some pity on Canada, please: we are without hockey right now and some of 
us are over-compensating.

Don't select what you think you can say something to, Steve; take in 
everything, and then when you want to get a good line off you can hold it all 
inside of you; that way, you will have something a little more in your song.

We love you anyhow.

Truth for me, Stevie, is a moment-to-moment thing. If you really meant that I 
misinterpreted Santa's present to authfriend, give us your interpretation.

Reality is the target. That's what we're all trying to hit. Whether we know it 
or not.

Get into the guts of it all, Steve. Not one fingernail.

Love to you and your family at Christmas.



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