
I enjoyed your story; I was reminded of the schism that
developed between Jung and Freud where a similar phenomenon played a part. As
you may know, early in their relationship, Freud saw Jung as his heir apparent,
but could not accept Jung's theories on the collective unconscious.

In Jung's biography "Memoires, Dreams, and Reflections"
and the film " A Dangerous Method", there are references to an
incident in Freud's study, during an argument they were having about whether
consciousness existed beyond the physical plane, when a loud shot came from
Freud's bookcase as if the bookcase was about to split in two.  Jung looked at 
Freud as if to say:
"you see", and not missing a beat Freud said it was
a completely natural phenomenon for wood to do that. 

I know intellectually Freud was right; when I was in the
timber business I shipped kiln-dried wood from Oregon to Jeddah via Panama, and
the fluctuation of the moist (ure) content (moving from temperate to tropic to
desert climates) could cause some fairly severe checking and cracks in the wood;
that said, Jung's theories, and his insights, explain more to me about the
inner life I've experienced, in different waking, dreaming, meditative, and 
states, than Freud’s more scientific explanation does. I say that as an

From: seventhray27 <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 8:41:15 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas

Hey Bob,

Guess I was trying to be too clever in my reply.  What I was trying to say, is 
that I could stand a steady diet of posting from you.

Re: Mountains.  What a hassle to  be carrying around an extra 25 pounds.  Even 
if I could lose 10, it would help out.

Strange occurrence I'll share:

This morning the whole family was up early to open presents so we could get out 
the enjoy the newly fallen snow.  

At one point, I tried to dim some of the lights, but they wouldn't dim and kept 
flickering. I kept trying and they kept flickering.

I thought, "oh, another repair".  Later in the afternoon, I mentioned it to my 
sister when she was getting ready to go back to N.M., and she said it might 
have been my mom and dad saying hello.  She mentioned in a light-hearted, 
joking fashion.

That did not occur to me, and I still  don't see it.  But it was interesting,  
since the lights were working great when we got back for lunch.

Anyway, thinking of you with your "tribe",  brought this to mind.

--- In, Bob Price  wrote:
> Steve,
> A treat to hear from you; I will always cherish your comment
> that my posts were like foie gras; something to look forward to, but not every
> day (or something like that). 
> I also remember you create employment when Hermes
> smiles in your direction. I wish you, your family, and your business, a Merry
> Christmas and a very, very prosperous New Year. 
> Enjoy the mountains:
> ________________________________
> From: seventhray27 steve.sundur@...
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 1:14:22 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas
> Thanks Bob,
> We're here in Colorado right now, and my sister brought along her little 
> Dachshund, Acorn, so it's sort of letting everyone focus on this cutie.
> Oh, and Bob, praise me, or scold me, but just keep talking to me every once 
> in a while.  Nice to have you back for at least a visit. (and hopefully 
> more)
> --- In, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Steve,
> > 
> > I was sorry to hear about Buttons, if something happened to
> > my Jack Russell (Jackie Chan), the world would be a much darker place; like 
> > the
> > bumper sticker says: 
> > 
> > 
> > "I'm trying to be the person my dog thinks I am". 
> > 
> > 
> > Jackie suggested I send you this link, when he's feeling down he
> > likes to watch Orson Wells doing magic tricks:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ________________________________
> > From: laughinggull108
> > To: 
> > Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 6:37:47 AM
> > 
> > 
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> > >
> > > Yeah too many posts last week and I had to have my 18 year old cat put to 
> > > sleep - I was very attached to her - so I been kinda quiet since then.
> > 
> > From where
> > Steve wrote: "Well, my wife just called. Our black and white long hair 
> > kitty, Buttons, has cancer is going to have to be put down. The daughter 
> > just went upstairs crying. I'll likely start crying as soon as I see my 
> > wife. We had Buttons for about 15 years."
> > 
> > Dear Michael & Steve,
> > 
> > Please accept my sincerest condolences on the loss of a family member. I'm 
> > gently weeping as I write this because I feel your loss. I'm an animal 
> > lover also...cats are my choice...and have been through losses throughout 
> > the years, however not having to have a loved one euthanized as yet. The 
> > first cat I ever owned (acquired by me and my ex...I kept the cat after the 
> > divorce) died while I was away for my father's funeral. The caretakers left 
> > me a note to call them as soon as I got back to my home, and I still had 
> > plenty of leftover tears to shed. I lost another one when he just didn't 
> > show back up at the end of a day out exploring...his name was Scamp because 
> > that's exactly what he was. And I found out about my third loss when I 
> > checked in with my caretaker while at MERU in Vlodrop who broke the news to 
> > me. I cried for the first and third, and spent many hours looking for the 
> > second before finally giving up. Now I have four under my care, the oldest
>  being
> >  probably between 10-11 years old (I adopted her when she showed up at my 
> >doorstep pregnant).
> > 
> > If I ever *do* have to make the decision to have one euthanized I suppose 
> > I'll react as both of you have reacted with discomfort, tears, self-doubt, 
> > etc. but I hope that I handle it with the love and grace that both of you 
> > have shown. And I am earmarking the responses from others here on FFL to 
> > read again because I know that they will bring me the same comfort that 
> > they must have brought to both of you. The best to you and your families, 
> > and kudos to everyone else.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  Â 
> >
>  Â Â Â Â 


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