I watched the video.  As always....it's a rather vague and dreamy explanation 
of HoE, one which is not going to happen anytime soon.  Perhaps in a few 
centuries, but more likely in the thousands of years. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@...> wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dQPgSyQ2M8&feature=youtube_gdata_player
> Sent from my iPad
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seekliberation" <seekliberation@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > I was just thinking, i've spent a lot of time arguing, pointing out faults, 
> > and trying to correct certaing unrealistic points of view with my family 
> > members, friends, and even a few people on this forum regarding the 
> > creation of Heaven on Earth.  But then I realized....perhaps we just have 
> > conflicting views of what Heaven on Earth is really going to be like, and 
> > therefore it's pointless to argue.
> > 
> > For example, I believe that we could do a lot more to make this world more 
> > conducive to life, spirituality, learning, and education.  But just because 
> > those areas have improved doesn't mean we have 'Heaven on Earth'.  But that 
> > also depends on what concept we consider 'heaven on earth'.
> > 
> > After my interaction with most die hard TMO TB's over the years, I am 
> > convinced that their conception of heaven on earth is pretty much a Disney 
> > movie, but with no villians.  Everyone will be skipping in the fields, 
> > singing songs like in the 'sound of music' and holding hands together.  No 
> > one will have to work (at least not hard), no more weapons, no one will 
> > ever get hurt, we will all live longer, no one will get sick (very rarely 
> > at least), and basically, every single experience in life that is difficult 
> > or challenging will go away.  It will become a thing of the past.  
> > Difficulties, challenges, strife, and personal conflict will be over.  
> > 
> > I simply wonder sometimes if the TMO has ever really explained what they 
> > really mean by Heaven on Earth?  Do they really advertise that there will 
> > be no war, no violence some day?  No more theft, fraud, cheating or lying?  
> > All these negative qualities will just disappear?  That seems to be the 
> > perception and that I get when discussing what HOE will be like if it 
> > happens.  
> > 
> > Anyone here have any experience in the TMO actually defining HOE?
> > 
> > seekliberation
> >

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