> > With his energy being what it is it is hard even for me 
> > to have hard feelings towards him when I watch a video - 
> > beautiful words he expresses, but he really doesn't say 
> > much - just in essence that heaven on earth is possible 
> > and if we do TM it will happen...
> >
> Duh. This is Cult Marketing 101. "If you promise
> it but never define what 'it' is, no one can sue
> you when you don't deliver."
If this is true, then there must be thousands of
people that want to sue you in court for promising
them 'enlightenment in 5-7 years' when you worked 
for MMY and for promoting the idea of 'instant 
enlightenment when you worked for Rama. When are you 
going to start paying for all your fibbing? LoL!

I mean, it's one thing to be a liar, but do you have 
to be a hypocrite as well? Go figure.

Well, isn't this embarrassing  - I'm explaining the 
HOE doctrine to a TM Teacher. Go figure. 

If you don't understand MMY's phrase 'Heaven on 
Earth', which comes from the Upanishads, then you've 
apparently wasted many years following MMY and the 
Rama Guy.

Either that, or now you're enlightened and want to
tell us the whole truth.

All the Upanshadic thinkers were transcendentalists 
who taught that there is a field beyond the senses 
which they termed a transcendental field. All of the 
acharyas of Vedanta point to this state of being.

"O Svetaketu, do you understand what I am telling 
you? This great but most essence of all the worlds 
is the Truth, the Atman, the Supreme Reality within 
you, and you are THAT" - Uddalaka - Chhandogya U.

According to the Sage Patanjali, Raja Yoga has 
nothing to do with 'union with the gods', but has 
everything to do with 'isolation from prakriti', 
that is, the 'cessation of the fluctuations of the 

To Patanjali, the 'Royal Yoga' is the attainment of 
freedom, based on the sheer willpower of the 

The Sage Kapila said that success in attaing freedom 
from suffering is found in individual willpower to 
knowledge; individual freedom is not the result of 
any source of power outside one's own body-mind. 

"When mental activity disappears, then knower, 
knowing and known become merged one into another, 
just like a transparent crystal which assumes the 
appearance of that upon which it rests." Y.S. I. 41. 

So, ask yourself 'who am I' and then look inside 
yourself for the answer, inside your own mind, and 
apply common sense and intelligence based on your 
own experience and reasoning. 

At present youare not making any sense!

A Yogin is not bound by time, neither is he bound by 
the restrictions of caste or religious conventions. 

A Yogin, having mastered himself, by himself, does 
not see ritual acts as the saving grace, yet he acts, 
due to the propensities still functioning within his 
mortal coil. 

A Yogin is liberated while yet living, a 'jivan 
mukti'. Being liberated, a Yogin is not bound by the 
notion of duality, thinking, "I do this, this is my 
body, this is my soul, this is my self..." etc.

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