Amen to that, Brother Edg.  From what I've read, Sagan was an atheist.

--- In, Duveyoung <no_reply@...> wrote:
> "The cosmos is within us.  We're made of star stuff. We are a way for the 
> cosmos to know itself."  -- Carl Sagan
> To which I seriously respond: Nope. It is from the Self that all this has 
> come into being. The universe is perhaps describable as a mirror of its 
> radiance, but the Self knows the Self and no mirror is needed.  
> Now, I'll try to defend this statement.
> See modern science for details. Singularities, for instance.
> We know not the universe -- except for:
> Our faint awareness of the ridiculously tiny titch of it inside our ittty 
> bitty brains.
> A billion, nay, billions and billions of years hence, even then, Carl would 
> agree, so much would remain undiscovered by the best minds using the best 
> instrumentalities -- the universe being so huge.
> When it comes to having ultimate knowledge, only the Self can be considered 
> the final arbiter of truth, since it was from Self that all else arose.
> I sure didn't really actually know this, until way way way late in life.  
> Mostly I said such things as a form of wishful thinking.  
> Pssst: You want to know, right? I should just tell you now, right? You don't 
> want to have DECADES of seeking before you too find out the hard way, right?
> Question: Are you sentient and reading these words right now? That is, is 
> that which has always been the witness to your thoughts, here right now? Are 
> you, here? Are you YOU?????
> To which you say, "Of course, I'm here. If anyone would know if I'm here or 
> not, it certainly would be me. I absolutely have forever and always been THE 
> ONLY knower of my thoughts, THE ONLY feeler of my feelings, THE ONLY one who 
> can rifle through my memory banks, THE ONLY livingness of this body/mind 
> system.
> Therefore: Let no one seek the Self -- for all know the Self. All are the 
> Self. And all that came from the Self can be only be SELF!
> Why? Because nary a person in all of history can describe the Self in any way 
> that anyone else would not also recognize it to be a description of their 
> Self also. It is the SAME SELF. Just as two pots under water can be said to 
> be filled by the same ocean.
> Glasses on the nose being sought? Riding a hippopotamus looking for a 
> hippopotamus?
> For all of anyone's life, ANYONE'S, there is only one Self attending that 
> "history of localized sentience."
> It has never been lost, right? It's here right now, right?
> If you are not enlightened, NO ONE HAS EVER BEEN. You are complete now by 
> your own admission. You do not say that you are half a being, half a soul, 
> half a mind. You say you are here and have always been the one who is here. 
> And you are CERTAIN that you will always be the "you" of the system you're 
> "other you" is possible.
> Limbs can be lopped, senses muted, consciousness attenuated -- but the Self 
> is unaffected.
> One says, "I am sick."
> But, but, but what EVERYONE means is, "I am FULLY HERE completely intimate 
> with the operations of this body/mind system, which at present is askew, and 
> it is in a process of healing, during which thoughts may come and go, dreams 
> may prevail at times, there may be variance in clarity, and consciousness 
> will not always RECORD these almost endless doings, but all these processes 
> may be a flurry of obfuscation and yet not dent my being CERTAIN that I AM 
> Deny the above, and when you're 50 years older, tell them that I told you so, 
> and that you should have considered the topic more deeply and saved yourself 
> a whole lotta fuss and bother and tossing mucho buckazoids into collection 
> plates.
> This sermon thus endeth on this last Sunday in 2012 -- The Year Of 
> Unnecessary Dread

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