Lord have mercy! That sounds like some thing I would have written - and I agree.

 From: Duveyoung <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 1:48 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Heaven on Earth for Marshy's Kin Folks


I know very little, but I am certain that many crimes have been committed by 
the TMO.  It's a complete spectrum of silly to evil.

On one end is:  On my teacher training, some guy had a car accident and they 
sneaked him out of Spain before the cops could get him.  There were many tales 
of cash being illegally moved to other countries. 

On the other end:  Maharishi is said to told someone to drive fast and not care 
about the speed limits.  Maharishi gave everyone salt and peanuts on the 
courses even though it was "wrong." 

Think about the mind-set of the MUM officials when that guy stabbed the other 
guy.  THAT'S HOW IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN -- cover the movement's ass and save face 

They all just did what they wanted to do and figured out "words for it" later.  
No morality.  No righteousness.  Just self-serving movement besmirching 
decisions is all.

It is all made-up on the spot.  I'll bet Maharishi decided on the first set of 
mantras in about 10 minutes flat. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@... <no_reply@...> wrote:
> there is NO lying cheating or stealing by the people in the movement you are 
> slandering so carelessly, where is your proof? Likewise you defame Maharishi 
> with absolutely no proof of any of the kind of wrongdoing that you parrot 
> from others. The fault is in yourself.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@> wrote:
> >
> > the idea that everyone does it so don't fuss with particular people who do 
> > it is the same kind of bullshit mentality that has led to the utterly 
> > corrupt practices on Wall Street that has led to a world wide economic 
> > crisis - where is your proof of Gandhi clan corruption other than what you 
> > have heard and read? 
> > 
> > I read this comment by an English person commenting on the Mayan flyer 
> > articles and I passed it on, much like you are passing on information and 
> > judgement about the Gandhis - I don't give damn who else lies, cheats and 
> > steals it doesn't make it alright for Maharishi and his family to do it 
> > too, especially when they have been taking money under false pretenses for 
> > decades and then can't even bring themselves to handle the wealth 
> > legitimately
> > 
> > Like I have said before, I believe in results and in manifest behavior - 
> > the kind of behavior that these people manifest show a low and selfish 
> > level of consciousness and the kind of mentality that excuses it for the 
> > Marshy family while reviling others in India for doing the same thing 
> > reminds me of the character of the Emperor Commodus as depicted in the 
> > movie Gladiator.
> > 
> > Show me the public information that shows without question that Maha was an 
> > honest custodian of the funds he lived off of for nearly 60 years. Back up 
> > what you say. 
> > 
> > I believe people like Mark Landau, Billy Clayton and Barry because what 
> > they relate about Maharishi (who by the way does not deserve that title) 
> > has the ring of truth AND when you put all the stories together with public 
> > statements and actions (like the scorpion nation episode) you see a 
> > consistent picture of an egotistical, childishly egotistical, horny, greedy 
> > con artist who created a movement dedicated not to the enlightenment of the 
> > world nor the betterment of the individual but to making himself an icon 
> > and living a high and luxurious life. 
> > 
> > You are flat out incorrect when you call these things "baseless innuendo". 
> > Like I said, back up your words - show us the public information showing 
> > that Maharishi was an honest custodian of the funds he received for 57 
> > years.
> > 
> > All governments are corrupt - which means the people who run them are 
> > corrupt and that is no excuse for personal or institutional corruption and 
> > dishonesty. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ________________________________
> >  From: "srijau@" <srijau@>
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 10:03 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Heaven on Earth for Marshy's Kin Folks
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > when you are dealing with an utterly corrupt government like India's has 
> > been for some time then it should come as no surprise that one has to 
> > resort to things like smuggling gold into the country. The Gandhi clan is 
> > the one that has been single mindedly engaged in self-enrichment and the 
> > level of manipulation of all facets of government to their ends and against 
> > anyone they imagine to not support those ends is not something that I think 
> > you understand. If you were an Indian you would especially given the recent 
> > revelations of the miraculous enrichment of a certain person who married 
> > into that family. Whatever you claim otherwise is actually based on a lot 
> > of baseless innuendo and there is public information to the contrary but 
> > you are the sort of person who repeats lies so as to give them credibility.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mjackson74" <mjackson74@> wrote:
> > >
> > > A comment on the article about the 8,000 flyers in Mexico
> > > 
> > > "I too am a former TM sidha. I gave thousands of pounds to the 
> > > organisation over many years, but had no more to do with it after I got 
> > > close to an Indian working for the organisation at a senior level. He 
> > > confided in me that the top people close to Maharishi had asked him to 
> > > smuggle gold during his trips from Europe and USA back to India!! When he 
> > > refused they pressured him and made him break down, threatening he would 
> > > have no future in the organisation if he didn't comply. Thus was back in 
> > > the 90's when Maharishi was still alive. No wonder the movement in India 
> > > is rich!"
> > > 
> > > http://www.mangalorean.com/news.php?newstype=broadcast&broadcastid=366529
> > >
> >


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