Thanks! I am 58, and did not plan to retire until 62, but the demands of life, 
family, work, and all were becoming truly impossible,   unsustainable. So on 
the last Monday evening of November 2012, I built a spreadsheet using 
reasonable assumptions, and saw that permanent retirement was possible. By 
Wednesday of the same week, I was done for good.:-) My wife retires in two 
weeks now, so good timing.

Perhaps being broke in the Movement was a good thing - lol, because I have 
always been a pretty frugal person, always eliminating unnecessary expenses, 
and choosing any possessions carefully, like the '97 XK-8 coupe, which I do 
still have, though really considered more of a family pet.:-)   

--- In, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Happy New Year Dr. ! 
> How is it possible to be retired, I thought you were a youngish man ?
> AND; still have the Jaguar ? :-)
> --- In, doctordumbass@ <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Happy New Year, 2013, to all! Wishes for peace, prosperity, love, harmony 
> > and spiritual growth to everyone, and a continuing good natured ruckus 
> > here, as usual!!
> > 
> > Cold and clear today - New Year's Day plans: Going to visit my 
> > father-in-law with my wife later on, for lunch, and then have dinner with 
> > my daughter, and drive her back up to SF. As of a month ago, I am newly and 
> > permanently retired, and looking forward to an amazing future!!
> >

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