He might have been referring to me as I have made several references to M and 
Company riding around in Bentlys which was meant as a metaphor for begging for 
money to fund all these big important projects and spending it on themselves. 
Evidently he requires statement of facts in everyone's posts - which is why I 
am so impressed that he has shared with us the incontrovertible fact that lots 
of folks are "popping" into CC all the time on another  post - I laughed out 
loud when I read it.

 From: turquoiseb <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, January 2, 2013 4:44 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy New Year FFL!!!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> >
> > Dear Dr.; there are actually also quite a lot of people 
> > here in Fairfield invibed in these very same retirement 
> > values. Have Come about it in the same way through the 
> > movement and meditating.  Most meditators are spiritual 
> > and not Rajas.  Of course the monied people got all the 
> > attention over the years.  But the real story is these 
> > quiet people living rich lives otherwise.  Fairfield 
> > that way is an incredibly easy place to live a very good 
> > low overhead high quality intentional spiritual life. 
> > There is quite a large community of people living quite 
> > intentionally like you that way here.  You don't actually 
> > see them cause they don't necessarily show it. like your 
> > Jag in the lean-to. M kept his Bentley's hidden most of 
> > the time too. 
> I wonder why the Buddhist keep insisting that Maharishi 
> had Bentley's. It's as if they learned from Goebbels 
> that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes a truth 
> to the ignorant. 
> Maharishi never had a Bentley or RR, never. Not one.

Although it is a lot like "coals to Newcastle" to
point out Nabby's bigotry, fear, elitism, and hatred,
I shall do so, for the record. 

Unless "Buck" has somehow become a Buddhist overnight,
I don't think any "Buddhist" on this forum has ever
suggested that Maharishi had a Bentley. That's Nabby's
paranoid fantasy, the same one that causes him to see
Big Bad Buddhists lurking behind every bush, working
diligently to diss the oh-so-superior Maharishi. While
invoking the name of fellow German Goebbels, he ACTS
LIKE HIM by repeating yet again yet another lie. 

What kind of abject fear and elitism could cause some-
one to *think* like this? How much conditioning and
brainwashing were necessary to turn some German twit
living in Norway -- who in all likelihood has never
met an actual Buddhist in his life -- to fear them so
much, to look down on them so much, and to put his
bigotry on display for all to see? It almost blows
one's mind. 

On the other hand, I think that Nabby has probably 
single-handedly done more to turn people OFF of TM
and Maharishi than any person ever posting to FFL.
*Anyone* with half a brain can see that he is a 
fanatic, and a rather nasty one at that. His elitism
is a classic example of the very WORST that Maharishi
ever had to offer, as is the wearing-blinders vision
he has of Maharishi, TM, and their relative importance
in the cosmic scheme of things. 

In reality, we all know that -- because of his Off 
The Program activities with an even *bigger* charlatan
than Maharishi, Benjamin Creme, Nabby would never be
allowed within a hundred yards of an official TM 
"flying dome." He's FAR more Off The Program than
Doug ("Buck") ever was. 

I honestly don't know whether his hateful approach 
comes from his many years of being subjected to MMY's
closeted bigotry, or whether it's just a product of
being German. It's a mystery. But wherever it came
from, I give thanks for Nabby and his presence here,
because NO ONE ON EARTH could read what he writes
and come away from it with a positive view of either
TM and what it produces in its followers, or of 
Maharishi and what he produced in his extreme cultists.
He's a one-man army, doing battle to turn people away
from the very thing he thinks he's promoting. 

As I've explained to him many times, and has he has
*still* failed to understand, I'M NOT EVEN A BUDDHIST.
Neither was Vaj, although both of us have studied
with Buddhist teachers. But Nabby will have none of
it. He's so convinced of the validity of the word
"Buddhist" he uses the same way a Southern bigot 
uses the word "Nigger" that he'll keep using it. 
He's equally convinced that the Dalai Lama has so
little to do that he trains people to go out and
"get" TMers. This is a level of paranoia and self-
importance that is difficult to fathom. And (other
than the German thang), it seems to ALL be the result
of a lifetime of indoctrination in Maharishi's teach-
ings and example. What a legacy, eh?


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