--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> Yeah, what Turq said!  
> Bucky, before I die, can you at least just send me a private email telling me 
> you're a living parody and not the nutcase you come off as?  I won't tell 
> anyone!  
> Edg

Dear Edg,

No one will ever know if I'm nutcase or just jerking your chain. I'm not sure 
about it myself, so why spoil the fun? 

Buck in the dome.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Damned apostate meditators.
> > > Well, I must admit here in considering this that being 
> > > practical as an experienced and an old practiced meditator 
> > > on FFL I find myself sorting by apostasy and deleting 
> > > through posts for merit to read by whether the writers are 
> > > meditators or not meditators at all, whether being disciplined 
> > > practicing meditators or not, being just critical meditators 
> > > or apostate and non-meditators. It saves a lot of precious 
> > > time spiritually.  
> > > 
> > > For after all what spiritually speaking could non-meditators 
> > > or even apostate meditators who quit along the way possibly 
> > > have to say anyway..  
> > 
> > "Buck," I'm replying because you captured perfectly the
> > mindset I was trying to explain to Share earlier. 
> > 
> > Can you actually *remember* what you signed up for when
> > you first started TM? I can. It was "20 minutes twice a
> > day of meditation, with no required lifestyle changes, 
> > and no mandatory things you must believe in or do." 
> > 
> > There also was no hint in those early days (1967) that
> > TM would make you "better" than other people, such that
> > you'd someday come to believe that if they didn't do 
> > the things you do and believe the things you believe, 
> > you consider them not even capable of having anything 
> > to say. 
> > 
> > Compare and contrast to your talk of apostasy, which
> > just REEKS of elitism. Somewhere along the way you got
> > so brainwashed that you seem to believe (or pretend to
> > believe...it's hard to tell with you) that believing
> > the shit you believe and doing the shit you do is so 
> > great that not only everyone should do it, everyone 
> > HAS to do it to be worthy of interacting with you.
> > 
> > That just makes you a fanatic, and an elitist one at
> > that, not more "evolved" or "better" in any way. 
> > 
> > You speak of "apostasy," as if those who signed up
> > for vanilla TM "owe" something to either Maharishi
> > (who is...uh...dead, if you hadn't noticed) or to the
> > soulless dweebs who run things in his absence. Or even
> > worse, to the world, because being a TM meditator 
> > you're so...so...SO special and all. Y'know...as in
> > the literal TM dogma that practicing the sidhis in
> > a group makes your thoughts "10,000 times more power-
> > ful" than other people's. What insanity.
> > 
> > Can you even comprehend how elitist this is? Can you
> > comprehend how classically CULT THINKING it is? 
> > 
> > I read the things you write and I just roll my eyes.
> >

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