sorry to hear this but good to know

 From: authfriend <>
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 12:00 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: dear everyone on FFL

--- In, Share Long  wrote:
> During my Christmas vacation I realized that if I'm lucky, I have about 30 
> more years on this planet.  I intend to use that time as juicily and joyfully 
> as possible, and hopefully at the exact same time add to or at least support 
> the enjoyment of others.
> As part of this, and perhaps some of you have noticed, I've decided to not 
> reply to certain kinds of posts to me.  I have felt so much better since 
> beginning to do this.  And FFL has seemed more fun too.
> As far as I'm concerned the new year is the time to begin anew
> and to drop conflicts from the past year.  I'm so grateful
> because it seems that Judy and Ravi and I have begun anew.

Sorry to disappoint, toots. You and I never "began anew,"
and even if we had, this post of yours would have put us
right back where we were.

You're not the least bit interested in "dropping conflicts
from the past year." Rather, you're intent on keeping them

If you don't understand why I say that, show your post to
your pastoral counselor. Maybe she will have the patience
to explain it to you. I don't.

"Love and hugs" indeed. Dig yourself, Share.

> Maybe Raunchy and I a little bit too.  I hope so.  
> But Ann and Emily have continued at just about every opportunity to snipe 
> nastily at me.  They continue to have a confrontational tone towards me, even 
> on the most mundane of topics.  Weird!  Plus they ignore it when I do post a 
> positive reply to them.   
> You would think that Ann with her full life and Emily with her running out of 
> money situation would have better things to do with their time and energy and 
> attention than to nastily carry a grudge against me into the new year.  Plus 
> their grudges began with an upset between me and Robin!  So IMO there's 
> something decidedly wacky about their carrying this grudge into the new year. 
>  And I won't be a part of it.  
> I will continue to reply to them such as I have been doing.  But I will not 
> reply to any posts that are nasty, condescending, confrontational, snide, 
> etc.  In other words, grudgy!  Who does such exchanges benefit?  NO ONE!   
> OTOH thank you to everyone who's made FFL so enjoyable during the holidays 
> and even more recently.  You all have shown me that it's possible to have 
> great discussions and good humor without being nasty.  
> love and hugs 
> Share         


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