--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Maybe like Lourdes water?

Hey, don't knock Lourdes water. I can personally attest
to a healing that it performed. 

While I was vacationing in France many years ago, a 
friend of mine from the Rama trip dropped by the house
we were renting and stayed for a couple of days. He was
touring France with his girlfriend, and they had just 
stopped at Lourdes on the way to our place, so as a kind 
of gift as I picked them up at the train station he gave 
me a big jug of water from the spring there. 

It wasn't fancy, just a half-gallon plastic jug with 
Catholic decorations on it, and full of water. He swore 
by it, telling me how drinking it had relieved the 
symptoms of whatever psychosomatic illness he had that 
week. :-)

I stuck it in the trunk of my car along with their bags,
and forgot to take it out when we got to the house. And
it's not likely that I'd have drunk any of it even if I 
had remembered. 

But a few days later, after he and his girlfriend had
left, I was driving my rented car through the Pyrenees 
and it overheated. I checked the radiator, and it was 
almost empty. I had passed the closest gas station about
ten miles earlier, and there were no nearby streams at
which to get any water to fill the radiator back up. 
Searching through the trunk looking for anything that
could help me, I discovered the Lourdes water. I poured
it into the radiator and -- MIRACLE! -- that worked long
enough to get me back to the gas station. 

I would imagine that the Ganges water would work just
as well...

> ________________________________
>  From: Michael Jackson 
> To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
> Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 8:50 PM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy Water
> Dunno - its got spiritual properties I reckon
> ________________________________
>  From: Ann 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 9:46 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy Water
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mjackson74"  wrote:
> >
> > If true, its the first time they ever gave anything away for free in the 
> > history of the TMO
> Is someone supposed to drink this water?! I think it might be safer to drink 
> ditchwater. No wonder it's free. If it's from the source of that great river, 
> however, then I can get the same by drinking water melted from the mountains 
> and glaciers here in British Columbia. What is this water supposed to do?
> > 
> > Ganga water reaches faithful across world
> > By Mrigank Tiwari, TNN | Jan 14, 2013, 02.47 AM IST
> > 
> > ALLAHABAD: Since before plastic containers began to carry water of the 
> > Ganga far and wide, disciples of spiritual guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi have 
> > been reaching it as blessings from India. As far back as in 1992, members 
> > of the math (trust) have been packing Ganga jal into tamra-paatra (copper 
> > urns) of 1 to 4 liters capacity for disciples in the West in around 120 
> > countries.
> > 
> > Sharing details with TOI, Dr T C Pathak national spokesperson of the trust 
> > said Ganga and Vedic philosophy had always drawn the Western world towards 
> > Indian culture, so Maharishiji (Mahesh Yogi) came up with the proposal in 
> > 1992 to export Gangajal to his disciples in the West. Water of the holy 
> > river was collected simultaneously from Sangam and Uttarkashi in 
> > Uttarakhand, the originating point of holy Ganga by functionaries of the 
> > trust and later packed in tamra-kalash (copper containers) of different 
> > sizes varying from 1 litre to 4 litres and shipped across to disciples at 
> > various centres across the world in around 120 countries with the message 
> > "Blessings of India to the world" inscribed on the containers.
> > 
> > The Gangajal was sent as a complimentary gift along with religious text and 
> > scriptures translated by the Guru and distributed free. The practice 
> > continued till the death of Mahesh Yogi in 2008, said Pathak.
> >

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