I noted the same about the link, but know the song and thus moved to Bob's 
other link of the book.  What a great book; a great offering with wonderful 
drawings.  The pages turn for you, which is very cool.  That is a pertinent 
link to what Curtis posted and I have saved it to peruse.  

> From: obbajeeba <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 6:28 AM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Challenge: Talk about the issue, not the people 
>who brought it up
>FFL, the endless battle of who did what, and how come I am not fucking 
>enlightened yet. 
>Hey Bob, the link you put at the end of your post below on this thread, it 
>does not work if one lives in the States. I love Purple rain to go along with 
>those purple high stretch stiletto boots, please share a link we can see from 
>here, the States.. Emily would most likely appreciate it too!
>The mention in a post to the Turq, I do not live in Fairfield, and not in 
>Manhattan (deduct my non response of 72nd and 4th)(nor the L train from 
>Willamsburg) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhgjEObtrWE  Oh,Give me a ticket 
>on an Air-o-plane."  you now have minus three areas I may or may not live,at 
>certain times. :)
>I live in my skin, the blanket of FFL. You guys and ladies, are my warmth. :)
>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:
>> MILAREPA once sent three of his devotees, each with a
>> blanket, into the mountains of Tibet with the instruction to not return until
>> they had mastered their inner heat. 
>> The monks found an ice field, laid out their blankets, and
>> began to mediate; windstorms and angry blizzards pummeled the three 
>> adherents and
>> covered them with ice and snow, but the three continued to mediate without 
>> interruption.
>> Finally, after ten years had passed, one of the monks opened
>> his eyes and glared at the monk beside him and angrily shouted: 
>> "You're sitting on my blanket!"
>> The angry monk then closed his eyes and the three continued to mediate. 
>> More wind, snow and ice storms hit the mountain and froze the
>> monks solid, but still they continued their practice without interruption.
>> After another ten years had passed the second monk opened his eyes and 
>> shouted:
>> "No I'm not!"
>> The second angry monk then closed his eyes again, and the
>> three continued to mediate peacefully. 
>> More blizzards and wind storms hit the mountain and covered
>> the three monks with freezing rain and snow; the howling wind was deafening,
>> and at times the three mediating monks were encased in solid blocks of ice, 
>> but
>> they remained immoveable and continued to mediate uninterrupted.
>> Finally, after another ten years had passed (making it
>> thirty years since they had arrived), the third monk suddenly jumped up, 
>> grabbed
>> his blanket, and ran down the mountain, back to the monastery where MILAREPA 
>> was waiting. 
>> MILAREPA asked the devotee:
>> "Why have you returned, have you mastered your inner heat?"
>> And the third monk answered:
>> "No master, I'm back because I got sick and tired of all the bickering and 
>> fighting!"
>> For OBBA:
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bydB3-k-qU
>> ________________________________
>> From: turquoiseb 
>> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 9:44:21 AM
>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Challenge: Talk about the issue, not the people who 
>> brought it up
>> Just so this doesn't get buried inside a topic many
>> people weren't reading, here it is with a new title,
>> and under a new thread.
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
>> >
>> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
>> > > 
>> > > What makes you think that this "negatively charged tone"
>> > > is in THEM? It seems to me that a large number of people
>> > > *project* such things ONTO the TM critics, because they're
>> > > heavily attached to Maharishi and TM, and *their* buttons
>> > > got pushed. They're experiencing emotions inside themselves
>> > > that they perceive as negative, so they project the source
>> > > of that perceived negativity onto the critic. 
>> > 
>> > To expand upon this, Share, here's what I saw happen
>> > in this thread about the fundraising for Vedaland. 
>> > 
>> > Based upon what Michael and Salyavin have said about
>> > this incident, it seems clear that the TM organization
>> > not only was guilty of selling shares in a venture they
>> > knew was not going to happen because Doug was dying,
>> > they did so *on long-term residence courses*, sending
>> > people to solicit partnerships/donations from people
>> > who were rounding, and thus had been instructed to
>> > not make any serious decisions while rounding. 
>> > 
>> > OK, that strikes me as a pretty big "WTF moment."
>> > 
>> > And so far, in my quick re-read of the thread, it seems
>> > that other than Michael, Salyavin and myself, no one
>> > from the still-loyal-to-TM camp has really commented
>> > *on the issue itself*. Buck came the closest. 
>> > 
>> > Most others have been playing one form or another of
>> > "Kill the messenger," either suggesting that something
>> > is wrong with Michael or the other critics, or that
>> > something was wrong with their "tone," that it was
>> > "negative."
>> > 
>> > Here's what I think. 
>> > 
>> > The negativity is in the "Kill the messenger" types.
>> > They heard something *that they didn't want to hear*. 
>> > It caused cognitive dissonance in them. They knew that
>> > if they dealt with it directly and said what this news
>> > made them *feel* about the organization they've been
>> > part of for so long, and said it honestly, they'd be
>> > perceived by other TBs as "negative." So they stayed
>> > as far away from the real issue as possible.
>> > 
>> > Instead they projected the inner turmoil they were 
>> > feeling about the issue onto the people who *were* 
>> > talking about the issue, and tried to turn the thread 
>> > into talking about *them* instead. Classic "Kill the 
>> > messenger," and classic cult.
>> > 
>> > You seem to be full of advice today on how Michael or
>> > others could clean up their "negatively charged tone."
>> > Well, here's some advice from me. Try not to project
>> > the button-pushed turmoil inside yourself onto other
>> > people, and lash out at them rather than dealing with
>> > what they said. 
>> > 
>> > It's not whether Michael is outraged over this issue.
>> > That's fairly obvious. The bigger question is, "Why
>> > aren't you?"
>> > 
>> > How 'bout it, TM-supporters? Take this issue and discuss
>> > it *AS* issue, no personalities, and no attempts at
>> > well-poisoning and slander. 
>> > 
>> > Please explain how what the TM did in this case can be
>> > seen as OK, legal, or benevolent. Please explain why
>> > you still feel the need to support them or defend them,
>> > if that's what you wind up doing. But talk about the
>> > issue *itself*, not the people who brought it up. 
>> > 
>> > We'll wait...
>> Suggestions for possible discussion points?
>> - Did you ever experience, while on rounding courses, 
>> representatives of the TMO "pitching" you on things
>> that cost money? You know, like "the next big course
>> you just had to attend," or "the next technique you
>> just had to have," or the next Maharishi-add-on 
>> product you just had to buy, be it Ayurveda or S-V
>> houses? 
>> - If so, how do you reconcile this fairly obvious 
>> attempt to get you to spend more money or donate more
>> money with the clear instructions you were given at
>> the start of every rounding course, "Don't make any
>> major decisions while you are here?"
>> - What *is* it about the TM technique that makes it
>> "100% positive" when done as advertised, 20 minutes
>> twice a day, but that makes it so powerful during
>> rounding courses that you have to be assigned a 
>> "buddy" to keep track of you, and you are prohibited
>> from leaving the course premises? Clearly the people
>> who made up the "buddy" and the "don't leave the
>> course" rules believed that people on rounding courses
>> were in a somewhat disabled state, because they made
>> up these rules to protect them (and, of course, to
>> protect the movement, lest they get into any trouble
>> while spaced out walking around in the community where
>> the course was being held). But they didn't believe
>> in the truth of the "Don't make any major decisions
>> rule" enough to refrain from trying to SELL them
>> things on courses? WTF?

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