--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > "from my time in the TMO or around Maharishi"
> According to someone who posted here you were never 
> "around Maharishi" at all but kept at safe distance 
> from his door. Heaven knows why.

Translation: *I* (meaning Nabby) have made up those
things and posted them here in the past. :-)

Nabby is SO predictable. Any time anyone starts to
make cogent points about how low-rent the TMO and
Maharishi were, he trots out his "usual suspects" --
"They're being paid to say this by the CIA or by
the Dalai Lama," "They're Buddhists, jealous of 
Maharishi," or any number of similar fabrications. 
It's really amusing, and by now everyone is used
to it, so I point this out only to newbies, who
might not be aware that not only is Nabby yer 
classic cult propagandist who is willing to make
up almost anything to demonize the people he 
considers "enemies," he's also a Class-A nutcase
who believes in an even bigger charlatan than
Maharishi (Benjamin Creme), the no-show "savior" 
named "Maitreya" that Creme has been prophesying 
as due "any day now" for 54 years, in little green
men who Nabby calls the "Space Brothers," and in
prank crop circles as the way they communicate
with him. :-)

> It has become some sort of trend in "spiritual" circles 
> to claim they were "around" Maharishi, and one supposes 
> the Turq hopes the people in the know from days are all 
> long gone. As the americans say: Go figure !

Au contraire, many of the people who knew me "back
then" ARE still around, and have commented on my
various positions within the TM organization. I 
think what Nabby is trying to say is that, unlike
him, I was actually *paid* to be around Maharishi
and in positions of authority in the TM movement,
whereas he had to pay for that "privilege" himself 
by extorting money from "supporters" to pay for his 
life on Purusha.  :-)

Please list for us the positions you held within
the TM movement, Nabby, and how much time you spent
"around Maharishi" while fulfilling them. Were you
ever, for example, a lecturer paid by the TMO to
travel around to centers giving advanced lectures
and residence courses, or a State Coordinator, or 
the person who became the Regional Coordinator 
whenever Stan Crowe was away on courses? Were you
ever selected to be the person giving a TM intro
lecture on national TV during the Merv wave? I 
was all of those things.  :-)

Someday you should learn that lashing out when
your cultist attachment buttons get pushed is *not*
the best way to win converts to TM? Your diatribes
against Buddhism and Buddhists, all of them devoid
of any experience of either on your part, and fueled
only by unreasoning hatred and the things you were
told about them by Maharishi (who was equally ignorant 
about them) have been noted by many as FFL's counter-
part of Ku Klux Klan-speak. You use the word "Buddhist"
the way a Klansman uses the word "Nigger." Your many 
attempts to get people to believe that Benny Creme is 
anything but a charlatan have been met with equally 
raised eyebrows and incredulity. You're a JOKE here,
Nabby. Pretending otherwise only makes you more of one. 

That said, as Share might say, "Have a nice day." :-)

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