Looks like there's already a flag on the play - Navashok calls roughing the 
passer, but it looks like the officials will overturn it... 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok wrote:
> >
> > Recently a friend alerted me that an Advaita teacher he knows, Cesar
> Teruel, 'renounced' his enlightenment, making a 'Confession' at his
> facebook page https://www.facebook.com/teruelcesar He is on Batgap too
> http://batgap.com/cesar-teruel/
> >
> > The confession is only recent. To me it seems that the guy has strong
> enlightenment experiences, and actually uncovers deeper layers of
> conditioning. It has nothing to do with forcefully de-enlightening
> oneself. To me this guy seems to be very honest and straightforward, so
> his 'confession' is rather a plus than a minus..
> >
> Our Navashok
> %2Fwww.123rf.com%2Fphoto_4021851_referee-blowing-the-whistle.html&ei=3hU\
> TUdq1GoHzygHNm4CAAw&bvm=bv.42080656,d.aWc&psig=AFQjCNGdI4yXlhvbN2DUTnqx7\
> kr7Y0VOaw&ust=1360291642542592>

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