> I think common sense should prevail that it's not 
> just some meaningless word.  If it's a meaningless 
> word, then essentially I should get the same effects 
> from chanting red, tree, ball, bicycle, etc....
If you were to use common sense, you'd realize right away
that bija mantras used in TM are just nonsense gibberish,
meaningless sounds, since they are not found in any 
word dictionary. The TM bijas are esoteric sounds given
in an intiation. 

But, if you really use common sense you'd realize that
TM is just plain old meditation, not much different from 
Zen or Yoga practice. It's Buddhism! The Buddha was the 
first historical yogin in India.

> As far as TM being a Hindu practice, I often wonder 
> where else anyone thought it came from...
I'm convinced that TM came from SBS, who got the same
meditation technique, down to the bija mantra, that his
guru Swami Krishanand Saraswati gave him. It is a fact
that all the Saraswati sannyasins meditate on the same
Saraswati bija mantra at least twice a day.

So, common sense would indicate that if SBS meditated
using the bija of Saraswati, and his guru SKS also
meditated on the bija Saraswati, and all the Saraswati
sannyasing meditate on the bija Saraswati - then ergo,
the bija you got probably came from the Saraswati gurus
back to the Adi Shankara. If the Adi Shankara advocated
meditation on Saraswati's bija, then we must conclude
that MMY is using the same meditation, twice a day.

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