Re: Ex-FFL Poster Ravi Yogi

Oh no - not that Ravi Yogi - I loved him once, wait - suckered by his
smooth, sweet talking persona and got burned. He represents something
unknown, mysterious, dangerous, he's walking on razor's edge, he will go
down for sure and take me down as well. I'm vulnerable and don't want to be
harmed - no matter if he changes names, shows me how he leads as normal
life as any - he is trouble. There's great safety in numbers, in the cult -
haven't you read the Guru Gita - the Guru ill lead me across. The Guru is
stable, predictable, consistent, poses no threat, challenge whatsoever to
me. No thank you, Ravi Yogi's crazy - not again, never.

Nice try, no cigar Kaliyuga Krishna

Never anyone's

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