--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" <awoelflebater@> wrote:
> > Er, Steve, you seem to be getting a tad defensive here and it seems it
> is because you have this need to run to somehow divert what you perceive
> as some sort of attack aimed at Share. I think you should give Share
> some respect/credibility and the chance to reply and figure out her own
> dynamics with Carol here. By jumping in like this it makes you look like
> you don't think Share is capable of a one on one dialogue with someone
> exploring possibilities of a subject. You have a very hair trigger
> protective mechanism. Check it out, what are you afraid of?
> I do feel slighted that I was not breast fed, and that my mother
> probably smoked  during her entire pregnancy with me, and likely my
> three sisters.  That's what coming to mind right now.

"Slighted"? Oh, you mean because your mother didn't "protect" you in the womb 
you are more likely to "protect" others now?! Did you feel like you craved a 
Marlborough when you emerged?
> As for Carol, I detect a selective bias on her part, and I am just
> voicing it.  Perhaps I am mistaken, but I have attempted to hi-light in
> a previous post.  Maybe I am wrong about it

I think you have an innate protective tendency towards those you feel might be 
being singled out and challenged. Not a terrible character flaw but in this 
case a grown woman like Share can probably handle whatever Carol is likely to 
bring up in conversation. I hardly see Carol as some malevolent, unreasonable 
poster here. Share will probably say otherwise, but I think you should have a 
little more confidence in her ability to respond/deal with interactions here, 
especially with someone as reasonable as Carol.

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