OMG I see clearly now clear free of the influence of TMO engrams, state
of Cleared Theta Clear



Your wish is my command
How can I live like this, don't you understand?
You know your wish is my command
Now my life is in the palm of your hand

Memories of better times
Seem to be so far behind
You took a hold of the reigns
I'm left behind to feel the pain

Trampled underneath your feet
Wandering down an empty street
You let me have just a little taste
Then slapped the smile right off my face

Your wish is my command
How can I live like this, don't you understand?
You know your wish is my command
Now DECISIONS are in the palm of your hand

OR [:D]

--- In, "Ann" <awoelflebater@...> wrote:
> --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > "It could have been worse," interpreted as pleasure.
> > >
> > >\
> >
> > To explain my thinking here, for those who never became TM
> > teachers or, for that matter, never met Maharishi or got
> > close enough to the TMO to figure out how things worked,
> > here's the connection I see between this research and the
> > way things work in cults.
> >
> > First, the connection to child abuse/spousal abuse: "Wow,
> > that wasn't so bad. He only gave me a black eye and broke
> > my wrist. I was expecting him to kill me this time. Guess
> > my life isn't so bad after all."
> >
> > And in cult environments, see if any of these scenarios
> > sound at all familiar:
> >
> > "Wow, when Maharishi called that meeting to tell us that
> > the world was on the edge of total destruction, I thought
> > that it really was the end of the world. But then he explained
> > that everything would be all right if I just contributed more
> > money to the pundit project and bounced on my butt twice a
> > day as I'm supposed to."
> >
> > "Wow, when Maharishi called that meeting about what it takes
> > to still be considered a TM teacher, I thought it was game
> > over, man, and that I'd be excommunicated and cut off from
> > the Highest Path for the rest of this life, and all subse-
> > quent lives. Whew...all I have to do to still be part of
> > the highest teaching is to give up my job, pay the same amount
> > of money I originally paid to become a TM teacher all over
> > again, and commit to teaching TM full time for the rest of
> > my life. What a relief."
> >
> > "Wow, when those folks at the dome told me that I was persona
> > non grata and that they couldn't give me a dome badge because
> > I'd seen Saint Blissananda a few years ago, I thought that was
> > the end of it all for me. But then they explained that if I
> > just publicly repented of my sins and promised never to do
> > anything as stupid as think for myself again I could still
> > be one of the Most Important People On Earth. Whew."
> >
> > "Whew. I thought that Maharishi was going to blame US for the
> > state of the world, as he's done so many times before. But
> > thank the gods, it's really the fault of those low-vibe people
> > in Scorpion Nation."
> Come ON someone, react please. Barry has just tried to push all the
buttons he could find to get somebody to pay attention to him. I'm not
interested enough in this subject to react but I have done my part by at
least acknowledging his post. Anyone?
> >

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