Yes, thank you, I have and use Dr. Lad's book.  Never heard of a tribal mantra 
before.  VERY fascinating.  Will google.
When Deepak was teaching primordial sounds, I wonder if they were ayruvedic 

 From: Bhairitu <>
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2013 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Tradition? to noozguur

On 03/04/2013 01:43 PM, Share Long wrote:
> That distinction about vata and kapha is helpful, thanks.

This might help:

> Replying to another post:  I've experienced that it's possible to be 
> committed to one path and dabble too.  I simply don't dabble with other 
> meditation techniques.  Simply with healing modalities focused on emotional 
> or energy work.

The mantras I give out here are for ayurveda and occasionally a tribal 
mantra.  They are not mantras given me to give out by my late tantra 
teacher.  Those are done personally and not over the Internet.  The 
ayurvedic ones are commonly known but obviously not published by MAPI 
though I may be wrong about that.  Tribal mantras are commonly known in 
India and used for different things.  And I may also mention commonly 
known planetary mantras.  Most of these are quite safe an harmless and 
not secret at all.

> PS  Being a fan of Numb3rs, I like the idea that we might just be complex 
> numbers or fractals (-:
> ________________________________
>   From: Bhairitu>
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, March 3, 2013 9:33 PM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Tradition? to noozguur
> On 03/03/2013 06:46 PM, Share Long wrote:
>> Well I ate some salmon first, good protein to buffer the sugar uptake.  
>> Usually I don't eat fruit but I did enjoy the pineapple a lot.  My Mom's 
>> diabetic and my doc said I need to watch out for that.
>> I like the idea of the doshas and metabolic rates.  Here's a question:  
>> what's the disadvantage of fast metabolism?  I can see the disadvantage of 
>> slow.
> Burn carbs too fast you get fat too because the body stashes the carbs
> away as fat.  Plus you get low blood sugar.
>> As for cold contracting, if I remember correctly, both vata and kapha are 
>> cold, yet one is fast, the other slow.  Trying to reconcile some seeming 
>> contradictions.
> Vata is cold dry and kapha is cold wet.  Air gives no resistance while
> water slows things down.
>> ________________________________
>>    From: Bhairitu>
>> To:
>> Sent: Sunday, March 3, 2013 2:12 PM
>> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Tradition? to noozguur
>> Plus too much fruit may throw your blood sugar off.  That's why a little
>> piece at a time with the pineapple.
>> Depending on what you are doing to pacify kapha it may raise vata and
>> pitta.  And that may need to be done anyway.  One Indian MD who learned
>> ayurveda from his grandfather actually teaches that reducing kapha by
>> increasing the other doshas because it was easier for people to
>> understand it that way.  MAPI teas have those additional herbs to
>> moderate that as do other formulas.  Usually if one is kapha but has a
>> pitta primary constitution you might want to moderate the use of spicy
>> foods and ginger.
>> Ayurved is not woo-woo in any way.  It may seem that way because it is
>> using the elements to explain things. But it is biochemistry.  Primarily
>> it will help regulate the rate that you metabolize your food especially
>> carbs.  If you burn carbs too fast you can get hypoglycemia or too slow
>> same and then that can make you fat.  Of course I also have learned
>> other systems including metabolic typing.  I like to look at kapha,
>> pitta and vata as a straight vertical line with kapha at the bottom
>> being a slow metabolism, vata at the top being fast and pitta in the
>> middle. At least that is how it works with my body.  Also basic physics,
>> heat expands and cold contracts.  Think about that too in relation to these.
>> MD's need to become a lot more hip in this science but the
>> pharmaceutical companies will hate it because there is no money in it.
>> On 03/03/2013 04:57 AM, Share Long wrote:
>>> Oh, I see.  I'm not as familiar with containers of fruit as I am with cans. 
>>>  So that's what caused the glitch in my memory.  Anyway, what you say about 
>>> samadosha brings up a question I've had for quite a while:  if one pacifies 
>>> kapha, for example, are vata and pitta automatically increased?
>>> ________________________________
>>>     From: Bhairitu>
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Saturday, March 2, 2013 11:58 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Tradition? to noozguur
>>> No, I didn't say I ate a whole can.  I said I went to the store and
>>> bought a container of pineapple slices because I didn't want to cut up a
>>> *whole* pineapple.  The fresh foods section where the packaged fresh
>>> lettuce, spinach, etc. also has small containers of fresh sliced
>>> fruit.   Much less messy than cutting up a whole pineapple and a small
>>> container cheaper too.  Also a whole pineapple might have spoiled before
>>> I used it up.  This was a good way to test.  I only ate a slice (cube)
>>> or two at a time.
>>> I first read heard about returning the body to prakriti a few years back
>>> in several articles.  Perhaps samadosha was assumed by newbie ayurveda
>>> followers.  I recall one of the instructors at Dr. Lad's school telling
>>> me that samadosha wasn't so wonderful as people with that prakriti still
>>> had problems and correcting them often proved difficult.
>>> On 03/02/2013 07:51 AM, Share Long wrote:
>>>> Well, you said you ate a whole can and it went away!  I couldn't manage 
>>>> that amount but I ate quite a bit.  Chunks.  Organic.  Very yummy.
>>>> No comment about prakriti maybe being more settled than samadosha for some?
>>>> Yeah, I always think the true saints of Fairfield are the people from CA 
>>>> who move here and stay.  Mostly it's for their kids.
>>>> Funny what you said about making a living selling crystals.
>>>> Ok, I see what you mean about right vs left brain dominance.  I still 
>>>> experience the spiritual and material as interpenetrating each other.
>>>> ________________________________
>>>>      From: Bhairitu>
>>>> To:
>>>> Sent: Friday, March 1, 2013 2:54 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Tradition? to noozguur
>>>> A half a can of pineapple?  I think the web page only mentions a few
>>>> slices a day.  Pineapple is an anti-inflammatory so will help if the
>>>> tinnitus is due to that. But as the web page mentions there are
>>>> different reasons for tinnitus.
>>>> Haha, I was able to do my morning walk wearing shorts it was already
>>>> that warm.  That's why some of us like to live in Kalifornia.
>>>> Actually the conflict might be between left and right brained people not
>>>> so much materialism and spirituality.  Or maybe the spiritual folks will
>>>> come out on the winning side anyway.
>>>> On 03/01/2013 12:03 PM, Share Long wrote:
>>>>> Hmmm, that's very interesting about switching emphasis from samadosha to 
>>>>> prakriti.  My guess is that prakriti has a built in settledness whereas 
>>>>> trying to be samadosha could produce strain in someone who's not.
>>>>> BTW, I ate half a can of pineapple the other day.  I think the ringing in 
>>>>> ears decreased some.  Thanks for tip.
>>>>> And I thought FF had changeable weather!  One learns to layer clothing.
>>>>> About materialism and spirituality:  some days the most concrete aspects 
>>>>> of earthly life are also the most divine (-:
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>       From: Bhairitu>
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Sent: Friday, March 1, 2013 11:14 AM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Tradition?
>>>>> On 03/01/2013 02:48 AM, navashok wrote:
>>>>>> --- In, Bhairitu  wrote:
>>>>>>> You mean the monsoon season?  Today in California it was winter
>>>>>>> overnight, spring in the morning, summer in the afternoon and fall in
>>>>>>> the evening. :-D
>>>>>>> I found the tape.  I need to digitize it so it's easier to find sections
>>>>>>> and EQ it better.
>>>>>>> "Om Rama Krisna Hari" is for pitta but may also be tridoshic.
>>>>>> Do you know why this is so? Does it have anything to do with the 
>>>>>> deities, like Vishnu usually being associated with water, Devi with fire 
>>>>>> etc. or is it purely phonetic? Btw. I'm samadosha, last time they 
>>>>>> checked (which is long time ago)
>>>>> A bit of both since the deities are associated with the elements and
>>>>> their names create the effect.  I recall the goal in ayurveda was to
>>>>> function samadosha but now the prevailing thought is to return you to
>>>>> your constitution (prakrati).


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