Speaking of nursing homes, the thing most counter-intuitive about my 
experience, was that it was the younger ones who were senile. Those who had 
lived their lives in denial of whatever, until Grace gives them what they have 
wished for, a loss of time, space, and memory of this world. Mental 
dissolution, followed by physical dissolution.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > (snip)
> > > Steve, with all the "TM cheerleading" going down,
> > > I just thought it would be useful for someone to
> > > interject a little reality about the person so many
> > > are trying to portray as so saintly and enlightened.
> > 
> > As long as we're injecting a little reality here, I
> > don't believe there's been much if any attempt in
> > recent days to portray Maharishi as saintly and
> > enlightened. Just about all the commentary on his
> > state of consciousness and the quality of his behavior
> > has come from the TM critics, and of course it's been
> > negative, not positive.
> > 
> > > People KNOW how he spent his last days (as I describe
> > > above), but they tend to put it out of signt and out
> > > of mind so that they can pedestalize Maharishi with
> > > an unrealistically positive set of memories about him.
> > 
> > Nobody's been doing that either. All but a couple of
> > the TM supporters here, as it happens, are pretty
> > objective about Maharishi.
> > 
> > IOW, Barry has been hallucinating again. That's what
> > he does when he has nothing substantive to contribute
> > to the discussion.
> > 
> > > I'm just trying to remind people that for every blissy,
> > > positive recollection they may have about MMY or the
> > > glory days of the TMO, there are other recollections
> > > that present different sides of the equation. I think
> > > that all sides should be considered and borne in mind,
> > > not just the ones the TBs *want* to remember.
> > 
> > Tell ya what, Barry, the next time someone comes up
> > with some blissy, positive recollection about Maharishi
> > or the glory days of the TMO, that would be the time to
> > issue your reminders. Nobody really needs to be reminded,
> > as it happens, but if it makes you feel better, by all
> > means indulge. You should realize, however, that these
> > "other recollections" don't somehow cancel out the good
> > ones. Most of us are well aware that Maharishi in his
> > later days didn't live up to what he was like in the
> > "glory days of the TMO."
> >
> Barry's just doing his old transference number. He is plainly afraid of his 
> behavior in his last days. I have met many, many old people, as I both worked 
> in a nursing home, and visited frequently when my dad was dying. The ones 
> afraid of death will often latch onto a target in their last days and harp on 
> it, unceasingly, no matter what it is. Eventually, the ability to distinguish 
> between what is real, and what is twisted by their hidden fears, becomes lost.

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