--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:


> Subject: Sorli fra Bulandi passes
> Dear Baddi,
> I do hope this letter finds you and your family well and thriving in 
> beautiful Iceland. We have so many happy memories and connections of the 
> heart there!
> I just wanted to let you know that our precious and beloved friend, Sorli 
> passed away in the dawn hours after being in failing health for the last 6 
> months. He was 28 years old. We are awash in feelings of appreciation and 
> gratitude to this magnificient horse who we were so blessed to have in our 
> lives thanks to YOU! Sorli brought us nothing but bliss in the 14 years he 
> lived with us.
> I will never forget the day Sorli arrived. It was in the winter after a very 
> deep snowfall. He came just after Doug had had his stroke. Doug was still so 
> fragile and unsteady in body and mind that we were not sure he would ride 
> again...something he was very worried about not being possible for himself. I 
> remember going out and riding Sorli to check him out in that deep soft 
> snow...what a fabulous, life altering experience! Sorli's calm nature, his 
> power, fluidity, and his utter responsiveness assured me that he was going to 
> be a very good horse for Doug to recover on. And so it was. Some time shortly 
> after that unbeknownst to me, Doug snuck out the door, managed to saddle 
> Sorli for himself and tried him too for a few minutes, if awkwardly...but he 
> came back in aglow with triumph and excitement.
> So Sorli's first job was to serve as a therapeutic riding horse for Doug. 
> Sorli took such good care of him then and has all along! I will always have 
> these beautiful visions of Doug riding out on Sorli sometimes for a short 
> spin around the neighborhood and often for hours. I never worried for his 
> safety. I knew Sorli would be there for him no matter what. And whenever Doug 
> has had a difficult day...as his brain injury never completely healed...Sorli 
> was always 'best medicine' to reintegrate his mind, spirit and body. Though 
> living here on our little place has been a humble life for a great horse like 
> Sorli, none the less, Sorli and Doug were 'famous' around town. People would 
> say..."there goes Doug Hamilton on his black horse"...and they were always a 
> 'head turning' pair. Doug would always return restored, refreshed and in awe 
> of the gifts of safety, pleasure and power that Sorli shared so effortlessly 
> and naturally. 
> A funny Sorli story and fond memory...one day I was unhappy and in a foul 
> mood. Doug knew better than to try to talk me out of it! So he left the house 
> for a bit and after a while when I walked back into the living room there was 
> Sorli...calmly standing there saddled and ready to go!!...He was looking a 
> bit guilty! He had a look of 'I know I am not supposed to be in here! Doug 
> did it!' I laughed so hard and all angry gloom left my heart/mind in a flash! 
> Sorli was my therapy horse, as well!
> And of course Sorli served so so many people in the Midwest as a sterling 
> example of what horses can be...and the glories of the Icelandic breed in 
> particular. For years we would hear from people who remembered your 
> performance with Sorli in all those fairs we did together in those early 
> happy times! What fun we had together! And the enduring impression of "Baddi 
> and that black horse" drew so many to Icelandics! Yes, indeed. And with your 
> skill you would always bring out so much from Sorli and it was evident that 
> he enjoyed giving you all he had to give, too.
> I know that in many ways Sorli was under utilized here in America. That he 
> could have probably been shown more, used as a breeding horse even more, etc. 
> but he was fully appreciated and deeply loved by us...a real member of the 
> family. And of course, hundreds of people rode him...often times not even 
> knowing they were riding a stallion until after the ride!....and through him 
> they became infatuated with Icelandics. Like you, he was a great ambassador 
> for Iceland and Icelandics all his life!
> Sorli is a great soul. A cherished friend. And even in the suffering of his 
> last hours, he continued to be a gentleman to the last. We are going to 
> cremate him. And I am wondering if I could ask a small favor. If we send a 
> small amount of his ashes to you in Iceland...would you be so kind as to 
> release them in some beautiful place for us? I like to think of this equine 
> son of Iceland returning to his motherland. Would that be okay? If not, we 
> certainly understand.
> So. Please give our love to all your dear family. And to you, old 
> friend...again we have the deepest gratitude for making Sorli possible for 
> us! We are going to miss him mightly. And for us, he is one of the greatest 
> horses we have ever known, truly a first class horse in all ways.
> Love and all blessings,
> Jennifer and Doug

Doug, you are one lucky man indeed to have known a mighty horse such as Sorli 
(my sincere condolences) and to have a life partner that can write as 
beautifully as Jennifer (her letter brought tears to my eyes). Thank you for 
sharing. RIP Sorli.


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