Poor Fluffy continues to bungle in his blinding eagerness
to "get" me. See below.

As this is my last post for the week, following my response
to Fluffy is a quick comment noting one of Barry's especially
ugly lies about me from his rant this morning

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Just to make sure you all GET this, it's hilarious:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > > > > Basically all what Judy knows, which goes beyond superficial
> > > > > beginner level comes from what has been said by people *here*
> > > > > on one of these forums who were more involved in the past.
> > > > 
> > > > Says navashok, *citing what I myself just said* as if
> > > > it were his own analysis.
> > > 
> > > Oh, come on, how silly is this? Just because we came to the
> > > same conclusion, as it is simply the TRUTH, doesn't mean I
> > > have copied or even seen your post that was actually just
> > > sent 8 minutes before.
> Now Judy's hilarious reaction:
> > It was in the post you're responding to, you utter nitwit.
> And:
> > You *quote* it below. How STOOOOOOPID can you *get*?
> And:
> > Have you ever heard the term "own goal"?
> And now comes the quote of herself she was most likely referring to:
> > > > And I've never claimed my knowledge goes beyond what
> > > > is taught to the rank-and-file and what I've picked
> > > > up from teachers on this and other Web forums. Oh,
> > > > and during my stay at the TM facility in Asbury Park
> > > > back in '95-'96.
> Now dear reader, please count the arrows before the quote:
> 3 arrows > > > in the quote of Judy above, and 4 arrows in the quote by me at 
> the top > > > >. That means, her comment in *this* post regarding herself is 
> AFTER my comment, she is just repeating what she had said elsewhere. And this 
> elsewhere is most likely this post: 
> #337947 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/337947

There's a reason Fluffy doesn't quote this post but only
links to it. It's because if he quoted it, readers would
see that I was quoting myself *from an earlier post*:


> It's not even addressed to me, and was just posted a few
> minutes before mine, indeed at the time I was composing
> it, so I hadn't seen it, and therefore my analysis,
> completely correct according to her own admission, was in
> fact MY own.
Sorry, no. Post #337767 was made on 3/11, plenty of time for
Fluffy to have seen it before making his comment.

So, in fact, Fluffy's "analysis" was something he picked up
from me but is pretending was his own idea. And when I
caught him at it, he freaked and devised this elaborate
lie in an attempt to cover it up.

> So, to summarize: Judy complains that I copy a judgment she
> has made of herself, then repeats this judgment in the very
> same post, to just say that I commented on it. She's so
> confused, blinded by her mindless anger that she makes a
> very stupid mistake. To make stupid mistakes is something
> that can be excused, but this very childishness of thriving
> in *finding* something to denigrate the other person, to the
> point where you make it up, that's disgusting. In this case
> we call it OWN GOAL.

The projection is just delicious, isn't it? And all over such
an essentially minor point.

OK, now to Barry, who wrote this morning in

> One of the other hallmark behaviors of the C-word bunch
> is something that they actually *admit* from time to time,
> as Jimbo did yesterday. They don't just want to put down
> the people they consider enemies, they want to drive them
> off the forum. Judy has admitted as much many times over
> the years, and gloats when she manages it, as she did with
> Sal Sunshine.

This is not a minor point. It's made up out of whole cloth,
deliberately and maliciously.

And it's another instance of projection. The list of people
Barry has driven off the forum is a long one.

The rest of his post is so deranged it doesn't warrant
comment; everyone who reads it will recognize it for
what it is.

Whatever additional lies Barry and Fluffy tell about me
between now and Friday evening, I'll take apart over the

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