Wow. Barry *really* got his buttons pushed. It sure
doesn't take much to drive him over the edge into
paranoid hysterical raving these days.

He must be nervous about this Paris gig. I hope his
new colleagues are quick to realize he has no sense
of humor about himself and takes being laughed at as
a deadly serious insult. We definitely do not want
him to blow up at them, get fired, and have to slink
back to Holland in disgrace. He's unpleasant enough
when he's pleased with himself.

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Starting later today, I'll be in Paris, and thus probably 
> writing more creative posts, as the mindset of the place 
> sinks in. With that -- and what I suspect will be the 
> reaction to it -- in mind, I shall reflect back on the 
> events of the last few days. If you will remember, at the 
> end of last week I made a post about four people here on 
> FFL whom I characterized as belonging to the C-word (for 
> Cultist) Clique. In that post I made a statement that, 
> given long experience with these four, I knew would be 
> an accurate prediction of their behavior in the few days 
> following that post. What I said was:
> > Everyone is pretty much aware of what the C-word Clique 
> > members DO. It's *not*, after all, as if they have the 
> > option of doing anything *else*, being driven by their 
> > obsessions and all. Their habitual behavior is to react 
> > mindlessly any time that someone on their Hit List posts 
> > something that other posters find interesting or worth 
> > discussing, and then attempt to smear them any way they 
> > can think of.
> Now think back to the events of yesterday. I made a post
> in which I used an analogy that seems quite apt to me, 
> comparing TM's reliance on (and near-worship of) mantras
> to Dumbo's feather. In truth, I would extend the metaphor
> much further, and apply it to ALL techniques of self-
> discovery. Based on my own experience, I don't feel that
> any of them really DO anything, *except* to trick the
> practitioner into noticing something that was always
> already present. If you think about it, my statement is
> no different than things that Xeno and others have said
> here over the years, only in more accessible language.
> So what happened?
> The Cultist Clique reacted *exactly* as I said they do
> above. First the Judester went into one of her cyber-
> stalking frenzies and, not having the spiritual experience
> or breadth of knowledge to really challenge what I'd said,
> tried to make a Big Fuckin' Deal over me having said it
> before. Ho hum. As I said in response to one of the pile-
> on Cultists, "Repetition is the mother of retention." The
> very *idea* of someone who presumably studied under the
> most repetetive spiritual teacher in human history bitch-
> ing about someone repeating a teaching is ludicrous. MMY
> gave essentially the same introductory lecture for 50
> years, and she has been parroting it on the Internet for
> at least 17 years. :-)
> But then -- again as predicted -- who do you think piled on?
> In order: Ann, Ravi (reverting to C-word status again), and
> Jimbo. Nabby must have been taking a sanity break, because 
> he stayed out of the scrum for once. And WHAT were they doing? 
> Again -- as predicted -- they were uptight that someone had 
> written something positive and appreciative about what I had 
> written. So they had to "get" me, and try anything they 
> possibly could to demonize me.
> I thank them for their participation in my little "proactive
> prediction" experiment. 
> As for the rest of the week, I advise people to WATCH, and 
> see how often they do exactly the same thing. If I find myself
> waxing eloquent in some Parisian cafe, and someone (anyone)
> appreciates it, WATCH what they do, and how they react. 
> It's a pattern. They're so caught up in it, and so trapped by
> their own grudges and hatreds and obsessions, that they can't
> *see* the pattern. But others can.

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