--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> (snip)
> > > It has been suggested here, that a person does not have full 
> > > brain development until they are 25. And I think the part of 
> > > the brain that is not fully developed, IIRC is that part 
> > > which evaluates the future consequences of our actions. I am 
> > > just putting that out there as one thing to consider.
> > 
> > If that has "been said here," it runs contrary to most
> > literature on child-rearing. According to those authors,
> > children develop the empathy to feel the effects of their
> > actions on others and the ability to control actions that
> > might negatively affect others at age six. If these guys
> > hadn't gotten it down by their age, there is something
> > wrong with them. End of story.
> Ooooopsie! Not quite the end:
> "The per [sic]-frontal cortex, the one we need to imagine consequences for 
> our actions is not fully developed until
> 24-26. Kids in college literally do not have the hardware
> to always be responsible in their behavior. They lose
> site [sic] of the future and get lost in the present."
> --Curtisdeltablues, 3/8/12
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/337423
> Actually, of course, there's no conflict at all between
> what Curtis said and what Barry says. Barry claims there
> is by the simple expedient of interpreting "not fully
> developed" to mean "completely undeveloped."
> But then, he considered it entirely within his rights to
> distort a comment made, he assumed, by a TMer, in order
> to slam the purported TMer.
> Unfortunately, it turns out that the original comment was
> made by Barry's great pal, Curtis. I'm sure Curtis won't
> mind Barry's distortion, though.

I just read your post now. I was lazy and didn't quote the post or post number 
but you did all the work for me and way before I got to it myself. I may be a 
bit younger in years than you Ms Judy, but you're twice as fast.
> <snicker>

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