LG baby - I think you will be better off if you search the archives and read 
the art of irony as expounded by Robin, 'cause seriously your lame, retarded 
attempt at irony is pretty pathetic.

Where did you say you were from again - South or North Carolina? (Oh God - I 
beg you, please let it be NC).

On Mar 25, 2013, at 10:18 AM, laughinggull108 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula <chivukula.ravi@...> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Dear LG - you are awesome, your brilliance shines through. I am on the same 
> > page as you, I think Ann loves this exchange where her doubts are totally 
> > clarified by the impartial, disinterested POV of Curtis. I think she will 
> > be a fan of Curtis's belief in epistemological purity of neuroscience soon 
> > !!!
> > 
> (LJB in full prostrate e-position with e-hands touching His Holiness' e-feet) 
> If I may humbly offer a word of advice Your Worshipfulness? (Permission 
> granted by an e-tap to the e-head) Don't make the devotee into the Devoted; 
> it is too much of a burden for one to bare and I am unworthy. (An e-nod of 
> His e-head) And don't be afraid to say what You really think. (E-eyes widen 
> with understanding as LJB awkwardly backs away remaining in full prostrate 
> e-position)
> > On Mar 25, 2013, at 6:00 AM, laughinggull108 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > Curtis & Ann,
> > > 
> > > I just wanted to say that I'm *lovin'* this conversation...so rational, 
> > > so calm, so from the heart, so real, so intelligent, so everthing. I hope 
> > > all conversations here aspire to this level. Thank you.
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" <awoelflebater@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hey Curtis, thanks for this comprehensive reply. Although on one level 
> > > > it seems to be all about Barry it isn't really and it has gone past 
> > > > that into more interesting territory. I'd like to touch on some of what 
> > > > that territory is below:
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > > > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" <awoelflebater@> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > > > > > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" 
> > > > > > > <maskedzebra@> wrote:
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > Your analysis might apply to people he does not like. 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Curtis, Barry does not like anyone who disagrees with him.>
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > I don't see a lot of people not agreeing with Barry. I see a lot of 
> > > > > people attacking him personally. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > <His criteria for liking or not liking someone are very transparent 
> > > > > and quite simple. They include more than the one I just mentioned, 
> > > > > but ultimately he dislikes personal challenge coming from others.>
> > > > > 
> > > > > He expressed his dislike for you and Robin before any of that 
> > > > > happened. ( His objection to my use of dislike here is noted.)
> > > > > 
> > > > > < If that challenge takes the form of anything resembling a different 
> > > > > viewpoint or one that makes him have to question his very rigid 
> > > > > beliefs or one that requires him to retract, apologize or question 
> > > > > his position he will take that as a personal attack or as a sign of 
> > > > > boringness, cuntness, small mindedness or stupidity on the part of 
> > > > > that person.>
> > > > > 
> > > > > I might have to see an example of this. I am more familiar with the 
> > > > > predictable "Barry is bad" meme that flows freely here. I see more 
> > > > > actual personal attacks than a challenge to beliefs. And I am not 
> > > > > denying that he both gives as good as he gets and sometime initiates 
> > > > > the insult cycle as he did with you and Robin. But since then the 
> > > > > nature of your posts about him have been more insult to belief 
> > > > > challenging as has Robin's.
> > > > 
> > > > Barry aside and generally speaking I think when one challenges someone 
> > > > it can take many forms. It can come across as insulting, it can come 
> > > > across as inappropriate or harsh. One can challenge beliefs by poking 
> > > > at the character of a man. You can expose or reveal something about 
> > > > someone by using the back door. A conversation doesn't have to be about 
> > > > how someone feels about Buddhism, for example, to figure out how 
> > > > Buddhist someone is in their life. Just like you can walk into 
> > > > someone's house and come to understand, on some level, many aspects of 
> > > > their personality, their priorities, their tastes, what is valued and 
> > > > what isn't. Everything about what we do and wear and eat and read and 
> > > > watch tell the world about us. So my point is, you don't have to talk 
> > > > about a subject directly to come to understand how someone thinks about 
> > > > that subject. Granted, it can be the most direct way but words are easy 
> > > > to come by and actions and reactions under certain conditions can tell 
> > > > us much about another's beliefs. (I am trying not to talk specifically 
> > > > about Barry here and it may be coming out a bit unclear. I hope you 
> > > > understand what I am trying to say.)
> > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > > He is not open to being vulnerable to people who he does not 
> > > > > > > like. 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Barry is never vulnerable on this forum. Ever.>
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > > Sometimes this is people who attack him, but not always. He 
> > > > > > > didn't like you right off. So you only see the version of Barry 
> > > > > > > that applies to you, a person he does not respect.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Barry doesn't begin to have the tools to "deal" with Robin. He is 
> > > > > > so far out of his depth, his comfort zone his perception of what is 
> > > > > > unknown or possible that to actually interact on even the most 
> > > > > > superficial level with Robin would require something Barry simply 
> > > > > > does not possess or refuses to acknowledge. It is kind of like 
> > > > > > asking a seal to run the 100m dash in 10 seconds on dry land. Not 
> > > > > > possible.>
> > > > > 
> > > > > I guess we don't hold the same lofty view of Robin's intellect. 
> > > > 
> > > > I don't hold a lofty view of Robin's intellect. I think he sees the 
> > > > world in a different way than I see it. I am open to figuring out if 
> > > > that way, in each form that it expresses itself under many different 
> > > > circumstances, is valid or not. When I try and determine that I can 
> > > > only determine the validity of it as it relates to ME. The truthfulness 
> > > > of Robin's viewpoints and experiences can not be validated by myself 
> > > > with respect to anything more ultimate or absolute or as they impact 
> > > > him in his own life. 
> > > > 
> > > > > His attack on Barry was actually very simple but he stretched it out 
> > > > > endlessly. And his response to my challenge to his belief was not met 
> > > > > with anything close to thoughtful dialogue. it was his routine. All 
> > > > > insults masquerading as if he was considering my points. A snarky 
> > > > > farce dripping with the insincerity and condescension that is his 
> > > > > trademark.
> > > > > 
> > > > > For me, intellectually there is not too much there there, just a 
> > > > > penchant for wordiness. And he recycles his insults, he has used the 
> > > > > same claims about me and others here. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > BW, then, does not allow the reader, either consciously or 
> > > > > > > > unconsciously, to derive any experience of what kind of 
> > > > > > > > experience BW must be having as he so slovenly and insincerely 
> > > > > > > > (the latter is quite subtle and can easily be missed) argues 
> > > > > > > > for his position.>
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > The digs aside (slovenly? insincerely?) I don't believe he sees 
> > > > > > > any reason to share anything with people he does not like or 
> > > > > > > respect. 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > This excuse of "respect" is not about that at all. That is a 
> > > > > > convenient but erroneous description of what is really going on. It 
> > > > > > isn't about what Barry feels about the other person it is what the 
> > > > > > other person makes Barry feel about himself and THAT is what Barry 
> > > > > > dislikes.>
> > > > > 
> > > > > You may be giving yourself a bit too much credit for insight into his 
> > > > > motives here.
> > > > 
> > > > I don't give myself any credit because I do not know if I am correct. 
> > > > That is not how I see myself - as someone with great insights into the 
> > > > psychology of others. I can know what I feel and what I THINK it might 
> > > > mean but I do not sit back after making some proclamation about another 
> > > > person and pat myself on the back. If Barry was my husband or my 
> > > > brother I would care more about figuring out his motives but because he 
> > > > is just a poster on some random forum I stumbled upon and have decided 
> > > > for the time being to keep posting at it is not a big concern for me to 
> > > > BE right.
> > > > 
> > > > > I have never seen you interact with him in a detailed way to warrant 
> > > > > your confidence in this theory. I just don't believe you are in a 
> > > > > position to know this from your interactions with him or your 
> > > > > observations of him. You frankly don't seem very sensitive yourself 
> > > > > when you deal with him. And I don't really blame you given your 
> > > > > contentious history with him, but it doesn't lead to knowing much 
> > > > > about him beyond the insult persona you are both running toward him 
> > > > > and getting from him. 
> > > > 
> > > > I will just say this: I know Barry well enough (I digress here to speak 
> > > > specifically about him at this point) to know that no matter how open 
> > > > or fresh or new or sensitive I were to be with him on ANY subject it 
> > > > would be met with derision, an attempt to insult me and 'get me back'. 
> > > > I am not made of the stuff to willingly close my eyes, open my mouth 
> > > > and let him ladle in a spoonful of whatever he's cooked up in some pot 
> > > > on the stove.
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > < When he is made to feel inadequate he will point his finger at the 
> > > > > other person and claim they are to blame; they are too boring or 
> > > > > stupid or dogmatic. He will never take responsibility for himself and 
> > > > > the reasons he feels the way he does. It will always be about the 
> > > > > other guy.>
> > > > > 
> > > > > Funny thing is that I could say this about Judy or Robin or Jim, 
> > > > > plenty of people here. But the concept of taking "responsibility" for 
> > > > > the reasons he feels the way he does is loaded with a lot of 
> > > > > presumptions that I don't share. I think many people try to rub his 
> > > > > nose in what they believe are his reasons for how he feels as you did 
> > > > > above. Who would like to have their nose rubbed in that kind of 
> > > > > unfriendly assumptiveness.
> > > > 
> > > > Exactly. All these two way streets we are both talking about.
> > > > 
> > > > >I don't. Robin is a fan of this kind of attack and if you don't cower 
> > > > >to his self-assumed special perceptiveness it is used as evidence of 
> > > > >some other flaw. It is a double bind mind-fuck and very unpleasant. 
> > > > >Did you accept Barry's assumptions about your motives on FFL? Of 
> > > > >course not and I don't think you should have. But that sword cuts both 
> > > > >ways.
> > > > 
> > > > Yes, we seem to have had experiences that we have both found unpleasant 
> > > > with people here at FFL. So at this point I am not sure where we are 
> > > > going with this fact. On the one hand you are telling me I should not 
> > > > make presumptions about someone's motivation while at the same time you 
> > > > are indicating just such presumptions of your own, which is fine but 
> > > > you can't have it both ways. You feel, and you are perfectly welcome to 
> > > > do so, that Robin has motives of:
> > > > 
> > > > "attack"
> > > > "an intention to make you cower to his self-assumed special 
> > > > perceptiveness"
> > > > "to create a double bind mind-fuck"
> > > > 
> > > > Unless I am very much mistaken you have just ascribed internal, 
> > > > personal motivations for what you feel Robin has tried or has, in fact 
> > > > succeeded, in doing to you and Barry. And maybe he has, for sure he has 
> > > > in your experience. But you see how easy it is to make assumptions 
> > > > about people and their motives? 
> > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > >He just calls it as he sees it and moves on. His blasts are not an 
> > > > > > >opening for a dialogue, they are just projections of his POV, more 
> > > > > > >writing exercise than conversation.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Exactly.
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > If you look at the list of people who have received such 
> > > > > > > attention they often have some similar traits that Barry is 
> > > > > > > outspoken about not respecting or liking. I have a very good idea 
> > > > > > > of his POV from his pieces contrary to your perspective. If a new 
> > > > > > > poster showed up here today I could probably predict with good 
> > > > > > > accuracy how Barry would react to them. It was easy to predict 
> > > > > > > that you were not gunna be friends. 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Yes, I will give you that. Barry IS predictable. Ridiculously so. 
> > > > > > This is a man who lives in a world that is bound and known and very 
> > > > > > limited. He can only venture so far with a person - new 
> > > > > > acquaintance or old. When he hits the property line, where the 
> > > > > > boundaries end, he stops dead. And those boundaries are those 
> > > > > > determined by his own limitations of self. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > I disagree with this assessment. Barry does not live in a world that 
> > > > > is bound or limited, quite the contrary, he has traveled a lot of 
> > > > > very interesting roads and continues to. I don't know anyone who has 
> > > > > moved their life to more places since I have known them. He is 
> > > > > perfectly comfortable dropping in to a country with a new language 
> > > > > every few years and adapting to the local culture. And he has 
> > > > > certainly been down more spiritual paths than most here. Can you 
> > > > > really say he has a more limited world than people here who have 
> > > > > never traveled as he has, or exposed to just TM for self-development?
> > > > 
> > > > I say that a man does not necessarily reflect the same expansive 
> > > > vision, understanding of either his inner state or his outer state nor 
> > > > does he automatically become the personal equivalent of any vast 
> > > > worldly travels. Someone could have circumnavigated the world multiple 
> > > > times and investigated a hundred spiritual paths and still be more 
> > > > bound than the man who has lived his entire life in one city. Maybe 
> > > > there is something to that old chestnut, "Knowledge is structured in 
> > > > consciousness" after all.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Limited? Not in my opinion. The diversity of his exposure and the 
> > > > > lack of his limits is the most interesting thing about him for me. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > So your statements probably do apply to you. You may not have the 
> > > > > > > ability to see where he is coming from and he seems hidden from 
> > > > > > > you. 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > I don't think so Curtis. Many people have pretty good ideas of how 
> > > > > > Barry functions but Robin's today took the proverbial cake; it was 
> > > > > > far and away the most sophisticated reading of the man and one that 
> > > > > > you might have a chance of comprehending but Barry never will for, 
> > > > > > if he could, it would disprove what Robin wrote and what I have 
> > > > > > just said. Not that we said or are saying the same thing.
> > > > > 
> > > > > I comprehended it, and appreciate your confidence that I might be 
> > > > > able to. I didn't find it sophisticated,at all, it was Robin routine 
> > > > > 101, and since I spent some time as its target, it is quite familiar. 
> > > > > With your background I'm surprised you don't see it as formulaic. But 
> > > > > then you think Judy is brilliant and have said so many times, so I 
> > > > > think we have different standards we are applying in that area. Robin 
> > > > > is obscuring very simple concepts in a word flood. 
> > > > 
> > > > There are so many kinds of intelligence Curtis. You have this 
> > > > intelligence of music and that intelligence is bound to the 
> > > > intelligence of the heart which encompasses passion and dedication (a 
> > > > kind of lesser devotion). You and I know there are more kinds of 
> > > > intelligence than we need to list here. Judy has a keen sort of 
> > > > intelligence; she is accurate and organized and methodical in many 
> > > > ways. That intelligence can be sharp
> >

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