--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" <anartaxius@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Your recent posts have been a model of clarity Curtis. 
> > I am working on a tablet with an onscreen keyboard, 
> > requiring brevity. I think Robin would benefit from 
> > being sentenced to using an iPhone or similar device 
> > (without voice control or physical keyboard) for a 
> > few years.
> Even better, since I've recently learned how to hack
> iPhone utilities, one could provide him a built-in
> onscreen keyboard on the iPhone that lacked the letter 
> "I." My bet is that he wouldn't be able to complete 
> a single post. :-) :-) :-)
> Just a joke. I have read the first ten words of the
> first "I'm baaaaaaaack!" post from Robin, and no more.
> I honestly haven't read a word of anything he's posted
> since, and won't in the future. I'm basing my joke on 
> his past narcissistic tendencies, back when I foolishly
> bothered with him. 
> ALSO based on past experience, since I've been similarly
> NEXTing past the perpetrators of the latest "pile on" 
> session, I would imagine that a trend that weighs heavily 
> in their posts has to do with people "owing" them a response
> and "owing" them an argument if they disagree with some-
> thing that the person they're trying to entice into a 
> confrontation wants to argue about. 
> My response to that, if it has indeed come up, is simple,
> and can be expressed in three words: "Get a life." 
> As both navashok and Curtis have correctly perceived 
> about me, I don't feel that I "owe" ANYONE on this forum
> diddleysquat, let alone an argument if they're spoiling
> for one. I say what I have to say -- hopefully in my
> first post on a subject -- and then allow others to 
> either say what they have to say on the same subject
> in response or (more wisely) ignore what I said and
> use their energies on something they DO like if they
> didn't like what I said. 
> This whole "confrontation" routine is classic Robin, 
> and classic Judy, and people have come to accept it as
> if it were both a "given," and that arguments were 
> something "owed" to them. Fat fucking chance. If they 
> want to argue, let them find people who like to argue. 
> I really DO prefer discussions in which people just 
> say what they think or believe, allow others to do 
> the same, and then END IT THERE. Nobody feels the
> need to "win," nobody feels the need to "prove them-
> selves right," and nobody feels the need to put down
> those who won't play these silly ego-games with them.
> Try to IMAGINE the ego of someone who feels that they
> have to "prove themselves right" about something as 
> silly and petty as WHAT THEY BELIEVE. It boggles my mind
> that people who have been meditating for decades can
> still be so stuck in such samskaras. 

That is a rather long reply. I understand a professional writer has to keep in 
practice quantity on a deadline. Hope your move back to Paris went without much 
trouble. I think I would finding moving to another country rather daunting. But 
I am sort of a stick-in-the-mud sort of guy when it comes to travel; a 
magnesium flare has to be lit under my ass to get me moving.

If you want to make a keyboard for Robin, leaving out the combinations 'space' 
'm' 'e' 'space' and 'space' 'm' 'y' 'space' might also be helpful, otherwise he 
might go Tonto on us.

Me sign off now.

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