--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Sahaja Yoga or Shri Mataji is not a very good example, because the lady is 
> really weird and it's really a Hindu cult, BUT, it's free, and it works *very 
> well* - at least for me.
> I took it, it's a kundalini raising initiation, and what shall I say, it 
> really did it. I dislike the lady, but the initiation gave me a strong 
> kundalini experience that lasted for two weeks. I think probably comparable 
> to Muktananda Siddha Yoga. Btw. she was formerly a disciple of Osho, and then 
> met Muktananda, but never joined him.
> http://www.rebelliousspirit.com/osho-webzine/1480/show/sharing

So you think that teaching former child-prostitutes kundalini raising 
initiations is going to be a good way for them to handle PTSD?


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