Hi, yeah I found Robin's analysis really helpful. As for integrity or lack 
thereof, all of us have to mature to a point where we see the long term 
usefulness of integrity. 

Both recognizing our identity in full, so that we actually know what personal 
integrity feels like, and maturing somewhat, so that immediate gratification is 
tempered with self-knowledge, make integrity a value in life. 

If on the other hand, one is unsure of oneself, emotionally immature,  and 
seeking instant gratification, then integrity is just a definition in a 

So as far as a corruption of one's integrity, that can only occur if integrity 
is recognized as a value. Everyone pretends to have it, because it is socially 
acceptable. However, there are a lot of boys running around in men's clothing 
these days, and to them, everything is merely kid's play. That is why they act, 
and get treated, like children. Emotional blindness caused by ego tripping. Thy 
'Emperor' has no clothes.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Robin, I enjoyed both your assessment of Barry's persona
> > earlier on here, and your response to Curtis below. Sane,
> > comprehensive, honest, clear, brilliantly written,
> > deconstructed perfectly, mental molecular gastronomy. :-)
> > It was a very enjoyable process to follow and validate
> > each turn of your mind as you witnessed it. Alive and real. 
> I couldn't agree more (albeit not as eloquently). I can't say I
> blame Barry's and Curtis's fans for finding Robin's analyses of
> their heroes...uh...distressing. They were devastatingly accurate.
> I would have been deeply impressed by Robin's insights even if
> I had begun lurking on FFL right after Robin left at Christmas,
> having no idea who he, Curtis, or Barry were, but following the
> posts of the latter two.
> As I read the posts from last week, it was disturbing to see
> the increasing degree of corruption in the posts of several of
> the most vocal participants here, primarily Barry, Curtis, and
> navashok. The more they're able to get away with, the more they
> assume they *can* get away with, so the corruption is
> progressive.
> What's equally distressing is that most here *let* them get
> away with it, either because they don't care, or because
> they simply aren't perceptive enough to notice.
> (Corruption = "impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral
> principle")

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