Richard thanks for the reminder about the possibility of burning calories 
whatever one is doing (and for ending that other thread title).  noozguru I've 
experienced that if I cut calories, especially drastically, then my metabolic 
rate drops and the weight stays on.  I think being active throughout the day is 
the best, had a plan to run up and down the stairs every hour, pounding on the 
stairs coming down to put extra weight on hips where the osteo is.  That plan 
is still unfolding.  BUT...I have started drinking more water.

 From: Bhairitu <>
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Just do nothing, and sit there

On 04/15/2013 11:26 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
> Maybe it's time to stop focusing on how many
> calories we burn in the gym and instead let's
> focus on how our body expends calories outside
> the gym. According to what I've read, strength
> training builds muscle; having more muscle helps
> you burn more calories, even when you are doing
> nothing.
> So, just build muscles, then do nothing, just
> sit there? Go figure.
> "You burn calories throughout the day regardless
> of what you are doing, but exercise helps increase
> the rate at which you burn those calories. With
> most forms of traditional steady-state cardio,
> you expend calories while you're exercising, but
> once you stop, you quickly go back to your normal
> metabolic rate."
> 'The Truth About Weight Training vs. Cardio'
> Huffington Post:

Yes, this has been long know especially since the late 90s.  I recall 
radio Dr. Dean Edell mentioning it on his show where he daily would 
report medical research.  However how soon one's metabolic rate goes 
back to normal may vary.

About 70% of all medical advice is for "true" vata types who are thin 
and tend more toward hypertension and high cholesterol.  The reason I 
say "true" is because I find the vata type often referred to by 
meditators is someone who has blown out their sympathetic system hence 
spacey and has a lower metabolism.  This is why ayurveda needs to be 
adjusted a bit for the US as compared to India.

According to activity tables when I was playing in a cover band where we 
were playing rock tunes I was burning as much as 1400 calories a night 
playing drums.  When I stopped doing that it became more difficult to 
keep my weight down.  My kapha nature kicked in.

Also the metabolic thing is why some people won't lose weight even on a 
1200 calorie a day diet.


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