> > Two Explosions at the Boston Marathon Finish Line
> > 
> Be wary of a false flag.  
Yeah, the Boston bombing was probably a false flag, an 
attack set up by the U.S. government, in order to create 
an excuse to take away our rights. 

Also, a false flag terrorist attack like this would give 
the government police an excuse to increase their ranks 
and buy more guns and bullets. Everyone already knows 
that this was planned by the Boston Tea Party.

According to Alex Jones, the official story explaining 
the Boston marathon is already changing. Go figure.

'Boston Marathon Bombing: Who Do They Plan To Blame?'

> They can't wait to take away more of our rights.  
A false flag incident like this would give the government 
a reason to use drones to spy on everyone. So, what 
exactly do people mean when they say 'Don't let something 
like this make you change your personal life because 
that would mean the terrorists win.' Go figure.

> NBC had footage of the finish line as it happened.
'The Grotesque Politicization Of The Boston Bombing'
Red State:

Or, an attack like this was pulled off by the Islamist 
al Qaeda terrorists, and so we better arm ourselves and 
watch our backs and build a bunker, because if the U.S. 
Government AND the Islamist al Qaeda are coming after 
you, maybe you SHOULD change your living mode and hide 
real good. Check under your bed six times a day.

John Hindraker:

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