Guru Zee Know's platitude infested head is so big that he has to buy 3
airplane tickets and sit in the middle seat !!! He can't even buy a first
class ticket because that would mean his head sideways either towards the
window or the aisle - OMG I am really cracking up imagining this - poor
Xeno :-(

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 5:30 PM, <> wrote:

> **
> Ya know, Zee Know, life goes a lot further than this contrived
> relationship that Charlie Casteneda builds between himself and others.
> His two bit lecture against Self Importance, is nothing but a speech
> glorifying it, the intricacies of avoiding it, the ways in which he
> separates out those who are under its sway, from the "Warriors", who, while
> labeling themselves, "Warriors", have presumably escaped the influence of
> Self-Importance. The closest Charlie ever got to being a warrior was
> wielding a stapler in Grad school.
> So, I will sidestep all the drama you have cooked up about this veil of
> ignorance I remain behind, and go do something real for awhile. Back in a
> bit.
> --- In, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius"
> <anartaxius@...> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, doctordumbass@ <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I haven't glanced at Castaneda's stuff for years. I was appalled by
> the excerpt. It reads like some gooey-eyed sophomore, making big,
> unqualified statements, about "warriors" and "petty tyrants". It is all in
> his head. I cannot imagine what value Barry sees in it.
> >
> > Perhaps you were appalled because one of the very first statement:
> >
> > '...what weakens us is feeling offended by the deeds and misdeeds of our
> fellowmen. Our self-importance requires that we spend most of our lives
> offended by someone.'
> >
> > If you are appalled, you have not seen through the veil called
> ignorance. Barry makes big unqualified statements, though there is usually
> a disclaimer from time to time that is it merely opinion. I make
> unqualified statements. Maharishi made all sorts of unqualified statements.
> The human universe is a morass of unqualified statements.
> >
> > What one needs is a strategy for sorting out what is useful and what is
> not. And each person has to find out for themselves which strategies work
> for them. When you consult a teacher, a master, you are not turning over
> your life to them. What you are trying to do is reclaim your life. What you
> are attempting to get from them is the means to sort out what is useful for
> reclaiming life. Surrender is suicide of the ego, not turning your life
> over to someone else to run it for you. The teacher, the master is the tool
> you select to do this. Maybe you get the wrong tool several times in a row.
> Keep trying.
> >
> > Enlightenment, conceived as a path of knowledge, is not a technique, it
> is a strategy. Sometimes you need to retreat, sometimes attack, sometimes
> just sit still. Techniques can be part of the strategy, as can be
> dedication to your purpose, and some kind of visualisation of the goal,
> which cannot be too precise because all one's ideas about the goal are
> really largely mistaken for most of the journey.
> >
> > Casteneda's quotes here (and I have not read anything by him in almost
> 40 years) are all to this purpose of liberation from ones self-imposed
> limitations. Having an adversary is very useful, especially a good one. You
> cannot learn chess against a weak adversary; you will not discover your
> inept play this way. It is like a chess game. Anything you can find that
> acts as your adversary can help. My first adversary on FFL was Barry, and
> it helped clear up a lot of fogginess in my experience. Judy has also been
> useful. Judy fits the definition of petty tyrant. Robin is a more
> sophisticated tyrant, less petty, but more capable, and more consciously
> self-involved. Once you get what you want from these obstacles, you can
> retreat.
> >
> > I think Barry's assessment here that Casteneda, the ultimate con man,
> nonetheless has said some very useful things. It is not what other people
> say, but how you manage their effect on you that makes them valuable. Thus
> whether who you are consulting is Christ or Hitler, Buddha or Stalin, you
> can find something that will aid you in the quest for life. The goal is not
> to become what THEY are, but what YOU are.
> >

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