So called "mindfulness", as taught in the Western world, is an
incomplete practice.

In the Buddhist traditions (the original source lineage), the practice
of mindfulness is preceded by the practice of jhana/dhyana-samaapatti.
Having successfully mastered regular 2-3 hour absorptions in the deep
states of vitarka/vichara/priti/sukha, a practitioner is then fit to
practice "mindfulness" (smrityupashtaana).

Because this deep meditation was not mastered first, many people with 30
of vipassana practice are now wondering why this method doesn't give
as detailed in the Pali and Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures.

Incomplete practice is the reason. If you only do "mindfulness", you
will indeed become
more mindful but only on the surface level of the mind. Deep and abiding
dhyana-samadhi is the prerequisite.

Also, we have experienced death many times. If death is a samadhi, then
where has the
"samadhi" gone?

We are still here ... searching for fullfilment.
This ain't no realm of samadhi.

--- In, "sparaig"  wrote:
> Dunno about death, but the drug method seems to be temporary, and just
because you have feelings that can be described a certain way, doesn't
mean it's the real deal.
> Look at the long-term results of practicing mindfulness on a
physiological level. Scary.
> L
> --- In, "Ann" awoelflebater@ wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> > >
> > > Forty-three years transcending through the lens of
Saraswati(Knowledge of Nature), experience and understanding higher
states of consciousness by the grace of Shankaracharya, a dose of
stability and adventure, 3.5 grams dried psilocyben cubensis, two ounces
lemon juice, a pinch of ginger in one shot and it ALL makes perfect
sense! Five- plus hours of Transcendental awareness, unbounded,
infinite, pure love ,compassion, mercy, empathy, spiritual in-site, joy
and bliss. A *little* unorthodox? Yes, but what an experience! Dude,
this must be Soma! P.S. my personal formula, do not try this at home...
or any other place!
> >
> > It sounds exactly like the NDE's I've been reading about lately. So,
there are at least three ways to get to samadhi - drugs, meditation and
death. Anybody know of a fourth way?
> > >
> >

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