> > The chatter is interesting, but too much stuffing...
> >
> Absolutely,  way too much personal stuff...
For God's sake, let's not get personal on this list! 


Alex: will you please remove any personal stuffing
from the FFL archives. That way, when people come to 
lurk, they will only have a few posts to read. Thanks.

> driving people away that more politely ought to be between a few people 
> privately which on the surface instead becomes obstruction to what could be a 
> community list.  We have people, outside lurker viewership, looking in all 
> the time who just move on unable to stick beyond the personal bickering of a 
> few posters here who dominate the bandwith.  It's appalling. The FFL list 
> would benefit greatly with lowering the individual posting limit down to 30 
> posts per week excepting time of communal emergency.
> X##
> -Buck

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