--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <feste37@...> wrote:
> Absolutely. She would also be great at Media Matters: http://mediamatters.org/
> To me, FFL is more like a long, winding conversation than
> a scholarly journal where everything has to be absolutely
> accurate and consistent. People write in the moment,
> according to how they feel at the time, just as people do
> in conversation. Sometimes they may contradict themselves.
> (I am not saying that you have done so.) It happens all
> the time, and it is no big deal.

It's hard to read, feste, that you consider calling
someone a "psychological rapist" to be "no big deal."

But it does explain why you take the position that Share
has done nothing wrong with regard to Robin, and why you
are unwilling to acknowledge that she has blatantly
contradicted herself in how she has described her
experience of their "upset."

I'm glad you went on the record with this. It tells us
something important about you. A number of things,

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> > Anyway, this morning I was thinking how sad it is that
> > Judy wastes her talents on me and my alleged transgressions.
> > Imagine how much good she could do for example, if she took
> > on MONSANTO.

I want to be *ready* when I go after Monsanto, Share.

I've been in training for a long time. Taking you on
is the culmination of that training. It won't be long
now before I take that monstrous company down.

Which means you're an important part of my efforts to
expiate the negative karma I accrued many years ago
when I worked at an ad agency on its Monsanto Roundup

(Not making that last bit up. I quit shortly after I
started TM to work for myself, but I've always felt
guilty about having helped promote Roundup.)

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